• Forecasting volatility of Bitcoin 

      Bergsli, Lykke Øverland; Lind, Andrea Falk; Molnar, Peter; Polasik, Michal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01)
      Since Bitcoin price is highly volatile, forecasting its volatility is crucial for many applications, such as risk management or hedging. We study which model is the most suitable for forecasting Bitcoin volatility. We ...

      Hassan Jubril; Obed Baffour (Master thesis, 2023)
      The geographical region of Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia and Latin America host some of the poorest nations in the world. The problem with poverty emanates from its restriction to access to quality healthcare, ...

      KUTIN, OBED BAFFOUR AKOTO; HASSAN, JUBRIL (Master thesis, 2023)
      The geographical region of Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia and Latin America host some of the poorest nations in the world. The problem with poverty emanates from its restriction to access to quality healthcare, quality ...
    • Foreign-owned firms as agents of structural change in regions 

      Elekes, Zoltan; Boschma, Ronald Adalbert; Lengyel, Balázs (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04)
      This paper investigates the role of different types of firms in related and unrelated diversification in regions, in particular the extent to which foreign-owned firms induce structural change in the manufacturing capability ...
    • Forhandlingar i innovative offentlege anskaffingar 

      Husby, Eirik-Sondre (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      Offentleg sektor brukar om lag 500 milliardar kroner i året på innkjøp frå privat sektor, og sektoren har med det ein unik posisjon som innkjøper og oppdragsgjevar. Denne oppgåva skildrar korleis Hordaland fylkeskommune ...
    • Forretningsmulighet for et forvaltningsselskap 

      Fiskå, Tor-Kristian; Nag, Fredrik (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)
      Gjennom problemstillingen: «Hvordan designe opsjonsavtale knyttet til boligselskapers takflate med hensikt å produsere solenergi, og hvilke organisasjonsmessige implikasjoner vil dette ha?» er oppgavens formål å gi Bate ...
    • Forretningsplan av The Launder App 

      Souleymane, Ousman (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Jeg har utarbeidet en dyptgående og omfattende forretningsplan for min innovative virksomhet, The Launder App, som er et vaskerileveringssystem for vaskeritjenester. Virksomheten har som mål å tilby en tilgengelig og ...
    • Forskjellen i Forbrukerbeslutningsprosessen mellom Generasjonene 

      Givehchi, Venus; Kvilhaugsvik, Evelyn (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
    • Forskjellen i Forbrukerkjøpsprosessen mellom Generasjonene 

      Kvilhaugsvik, Evelyn; Givehchi, Venus (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Etter de siste årene har bedrifter måttet tilpasse seg den digitale endringen i samfunnet, noe som i stor grad har gjenspeilt seg i måten de markedsfører med bruk av digitale kanaler. Med hensyn til at generasjoners ...
    • Forventningsgapene knyttet til revisors fastsettelse av vesentlighetsgrensen 

      Espeland, Malin Helle; Sveinsvoll, Rebecca (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært å undersøke hvilken kjennskap brukerne og regnskapsførerne har til vesentlighetsgrensen, for å studere om det foreligger et gap mellom deres forventning til revisors fastsatte ...
    • FPIC and geoengineering in the future of Scandinavia 

      Cooper, Aaron Martin (Chapter, 2023-05)
      This chapter focuses on procedural and intergenerational justice within the context of solar radiation management and ice-geoengineering in the Arctic. Research has framed geoengineering as an option to avoid the more ...
    • From Closed to Open Innovation in Emerging Economies: Evidence from the Chemical Industry in Brazil 

      Thomas, Elisa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03)
      In this article, we examine how firms in an emerging economy perform research and development (R&D) activities in regards to the concept of open innovation. Most literature on open innovation shows multinational ...
    • Frynsegodenes påvirkning på arbeidstakers motivasjon 

      Waage, Torjus; Neresen, Joakim (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I næringslivet i dag blir arbeidstakere i svært stor grad tildelt frynsegoder på toppen av fastlønn, provisjoner og eventuelle bonuser. Frynsegodene skal virke som tillegg til lønnen og gi arbeidstakerne en følelse av at ...
    • Fully Embracing the Paradoxical Condition:Banksy to Organization Theory 

      eCunha, Miguel Pina; Clegg, Stewart; Rego, Arménio; Simpson, Ace V.; Berti, Marco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Management and organization studies has recently expressed heightened interest in the concept of paradox. Paradox, etymologically para-doxa, is that which challenges the norm. Frequently representative cases drawn from the ...
    • Fund Companies' Adaptation to the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities 

      Ree, Silje; Øglænd, Hanne (Master thesis, 2021)
      In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, a plan to achieve the goal of no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 (European Union, 1995-2021a). Within this framework, an action plan on financing ...
    • Fund Companies' Adaptation to the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities 

      Ree, Silje; Øglænd, Hanne (Master thesis, 2021)
      In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, a plan to achieve the goal of no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 (European Union, 1995-2021a). Within this framework, an action plan on financing ...
    • Fundamental Valuation of Yara International ASA 

      Skrettingland, Emilie; Thingbø, Bjørn Olav (Master thesis, 2023)
      The purpose of this master’s thesis is to conduct a fundamental valuation of Yara International ASA and determine the value per share as of 24th of March 2023. A presentation and strategic analysis of Yara International ...
    • Fundamental Valuation of Yara International ASA 

      Skrettingland, Emilie; Thingbø, Bjørn Olav (Master thesis, 2023)
      The purpose of this master’s thesis is to conduct a fundamental valuation of Yara International ASA and determine the value per share as of 24th of March 2023. A presentation and strategic analysis of Yara International ...
    • Futures market hedging efficiency in a new futures exchange: Effects of trade partner diversification 

      Øglend, Atle; Straume, Hans-Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12)
      This paper uses transaction data to examine hedging efficiency in a new futures exchange; the Fish Pool salmon futures exchange in Norway. The paper utilizes data on firm level exporter/importer transaction prices to ...
    • Futures should matter (more): Toward a forward-looking perspective in economic geography 

      Gong, Huiwen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Although the future is an increasingly important topic for regional economic development, our knowledge of the future as a research subject has been limited. Following futures studies, we develop a perspective on a specific ...