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dc.contributor.advisorXie Jinghua
dc.contributor.authorKim Chanwoo
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractThe hospitality and tourism industry has been growing tremendously and is now one of the world’s fastest growing industries. However, since the early 2020 it has changed the world and nevertheless the hospitality and tourism industry were struck hardest of all. This made me think I had the chance to write about Covid-19. However, there had to be more than just Covid-19 then it made me realize what I always debate about, and that is Airbnb vs hotels. Airbnb is one of my favorite website to book accommodation due to it’s cheap, flexible of choice on locations, etc. However, due to Covid-19 it made me think how it affected both of them during Covid-19 and are there any difference between rural and urban areas. Writing this thesis was quite an experience from being stressed to fascinated and at the end fun. In addition, I want to thank my professor and supervisor Jinghua Xie for helping me out with data and great tips for my writing structures. Happy reading! My main purpose for this thesis is to answer two research questions that is “Is Covid-19 less affected for both hotel and Airbnb in rural areas than in urban areas?” and “Is the hotel the main choice for guests during pandemic or is it Airbnb?”. This thesis is structured into 7 chapters that starts from Introduction to research background with general information of growth & development of Airbnb. Furthermore, there will also include information of Covid-19 how it started and how it is now. In addition, what strategies Hotels and Airbnb used to adapt Covid-19. Furthermore, there will be section of theory where I mainly focus on Revenue Management with explaining key performance indicators (KPI) that contains RevPAR, Occupancy rate, Average daily rate and online reviews. Furthermore, there will be a section of methodology and explanation of quantitative and qualitative method. Then after there are explanation of why I decided to choose this specific method to find my answer for research questions. After methodology, there will be analyze chapter where I retrieve all of my data and uses the knowledge from Revenue Management and other lectures to find the answer to research questions. Then after that, there will be discussion chapter and then conclusion with reference at the end.
dc.titleEr Covid-19 mindre påvirket for både hotell og Airbnb i landlige områder enn urbane områder.
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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  • Studentoppgaver (SV-NHS) [618]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i International hotel and tourism leadership / serviceledelse

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