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dc.contributor.advisorSteinnes, Kristian
dc.contributor.authorBørildsen, Brede B.
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractDen kalde krig i kjølvannet av den andre verdenskrig var en kritisk periode for USA. Etter den andre verdenskrigen så tilspisset forholdet mellom de to tidligere allierte landene under den andre verdenskrig. Med utviklingen av atombomben for begge land så skapte det en kritisk periode, der man ikke ønsket en åpen og direkte krigføring. Det ble en frykt for kommunismen i USA, og McCarthy var et sentralt figurhode i kampen mot kommunismen. Propaganda ble brukt for å fremme amerikansk interesse, og å bekjempe kommunismen både innenrikt, samt på det globale plan. Det var forfulgelser og en heksejakt etter antatte kommunister i perioden med McCarthyismen. Folk mistet jobbene sine, og det var en amper tid med mye frykt og stigmatisering.
dc.description.abstractThe cold war in the aftermath of the second world war was a critical period for the US. After the second world war the relationship between the two former allies US and the Soviet union escalated for the worse. With the development of the atomic bomb for both countries created a critical period, where they didn't want an open war. There was a widespread fear of communism in the US, and McCarthy was a central figurehead that spearheaded the fight against communism in the US. Propaganda was used as a means to advance american interests, and to defeat communism both internally and on the global stage. There were persecutions and a witch hunt for assumed communists and sympatisors during the McCarthyism period. People lost their jobs to this persecution, and it was a volitile time with a lot of fear and stigmatisations of assumed communists.
dc.titleMcCarthyismen under den kalde krig - Propagandaen og fryktens bruk i kampen mot kommunisme
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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