• A natural Hessian approximation for ensemble based optimization 

      Zhang, Yiteng; Stordal, Andreas Størksen; Lorentzen, Rolf Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A key challenge in reservoir management and other fields of engineering involves optimizing a nonlinear function iteratively. Due to the lack of available gradients in commercial reservoir simulators the attention over the ...
    • Natural peptides with antioxidant activity from Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon residual material 

      Pampanin, Daniela M.; Haar, Marianne Bore; Sydnes, Magne Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03)
      Summary. Water-soluble peptides/proteins with molecular weight below 10 kDa were isolated from residual material of cod (liver, skin, and cod mix i.e. skin, frames, and viscera), and salmon (skin, and salmon mix i.e. skin, ...
    • Natural Theology and Epistemic Justification 

      Rehnman, Sebastian (Journal article, 2010-11)
      First it is argued that the linkage of natural theology to epistemology is invalid historically, epistemologically and metaphysically. Second it is argued that knowledge claims about the ultimate cause of everything should ...
    • Naturalizing, normalizing and neutralizing: metaphors framing the global financial crisis in Nordic banks* 

      Forseth, Ulla; Røyrvik, Emil André; Clegg, Stewart Roger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this paper we discuss metaphors and rhetoric characterizing rationalizations of past banking practices after the global financial crisis of 2008. We draw on qualitative data from six Nordic banks, 2008–2012. Financial ...
    • Naturbasert overvannshåndtering i eksisterende byrom 

      Kamfjord, Nikolai (Master thesis, 2021)
      Innenfor byplanlegging har overvannshåndtering blitt mer relevant gjennom årene, og en årsak til dette er klimaendringer samt gamle avløpssystemer. Dessuten har den økende fortettingen en effekt på hvordan man bør håndtere ...
    • Naturbaserte overvannstiltak sitt potensiale til å fremme en bærekraftig byutvikling 

      Undheim, Amalie (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)
      Fortetting og urbanisering har ført til at man har bygget naturen ut av byen og ledet overvannet hurtigst mulig bort fra overflaten gjennom lukkede rørsystemer. Kapasitetsproblemer, flomskader og reduksjon av produserte ...
    • Naturbaserte reiselivsdestinasjoner - deres vei mot en mer bærekraftig fremtid 

      Rude, Lisa. (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Sammendrag: Det er mange som bruker naturen som et avbrekk fra hverdagens travle dager, og er et sted man kan finne ro og nyte de behagelige omgivelsene omgitt av et fantastisk dyreliv. Derfor har mange blitt engasjert i ...
    • Nature and Magic as Representation of “The Sami” — Sami Shamanistic Material in Popular Culture 

      Kalvig, Anne Kathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-09)
      This article examines how magic and nature become representations of both “the Sami” and “Sami shamanism” in animation films Frozen 2 and Klaus, in the television crime series Midnattssol (Midnight Sun) and in three ...
    • Nature and the City in Three Norwegian Picturebooks 

      Tunkiel, Katarzyna A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Representations of urban environments are not very common in Norwegian picturebooks, yet they allow for a nuanced understanding of how nature functions in picturebook iconotexts. This article aims to examine the relationship ...
    • Nature is ours! – Psychological ownership and preferences forbwind energy 

      Dugstad, Anders; Brouwer, Roy; Grimsrud, Kristine; Kipperberg, Gorm; Lindhjem, Henrik; Navrud, Ståle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Psychological ownership (PO) is a phenomenon whereby individuals feel ownership of goods they do not necessarily formally own. A substantial body of literature in marketing, consumer psychology, and organizational sciences ...
    • The nature of social pedagogy: an excursion in Norwegian territory 

      Stephens, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      In this paper, I examine the nature of social pedagogy, a discipline with deep roots in Continental Europe but not in the UK. Things are changing, however. The politicians in Westminster are listening to the people at the ...
    • Nature trails and urban inclusion: The integration of city spaces into Sweden's long trekking trails 

      King, Katrina (Master thesis, 2023)
      Cities have long been poorly integrated into nature trails, which are popularly associated with rural areas. Yet these trails can be seen as places of connection between the urban and the rural, constituting a mélange of ...
    • Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Management: Urban Design Guidelines for Climate Adaptation set in a Norwegian Context 

      Helland, Marita; Mohr, Tiril Hole (Master thesis, 2022)
      Nature-based solutions (NBS) have gained attention in the past decade as a way to adapt urban environments to the changing climate. However, the progress of implementing these solutions is considered to be slow. A reason ...
    • Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Management: Urban Design Guidelines for Climate Adaptation set in a Norwegian Context 

      Helland, Marita; Mohr, Tiril Hole (Master thesis, 2022)
      Nature-based solutions (NBS) have gained attention in the past decade as a way to adapt urban environments to the changing climate. However, the progress of implementing these solutions is considered to be slow. A reason ...
    • Naturen som en inkluderende arena 

      Landa, Andrine; Larsen, Maren Grødem (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Dette er en bacheloroppgave innenfor temaet inkludering og natur i barnehagen. Problemstillingen er som følgende: Hvordan bruker pedagogiske ledere naturen som en arena for inkludering i barnehagehverdagen? For å svare ...
    • Naturen som et tiltak for bedre mental helse 

      Wigestrand, Pernille Haugseng (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Bakgrunn Som sykepleier har man et ansvar for å benytte seg av tilgjengelige ressurser for å bedre pasientens situasjon. I et samfunn med økende tendenser til mentale utfordringer er dette spesielt viktig. Naturen har ...
    • Naturens plass i det grønne skiftet 

      Malmin, Irene Lindstad; Skjæveland, Gro Maren (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Vi har sett på hvordan verdiordener brukes som legitimering i beslutninger av tildelt og avslått konsesjonssøknader for vindkraft. I tillegg har vi undersøkt hvorvidt en grønn verdiorden utgjør et legitimeringsgrunnlag i ...
    • Naturens plass i det grønne skiftet 

      Malmin, Irene Lindstad; Skjæveland, Gro Maren (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Vi har sett på hvordan verdiordener brukes som legitimering i beslutninger av tildelt og avslått konsesjonssøknader for vindkraft. I tillegg har vi undersøkt hvorvidt en grønn verdiorden utgjør et legitimeringsgrunnlag i ...
    • Naturens trøst og trøstens natur 

      Thorsen, Rolf Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Dette essayet er en undring om å finne trøst i naturen. Fortellinger brukes for å få frem ulike aspekter ved fenomenet trøst både i og utenfor naturen, slik vi kan møte det i sorg ogannen lidelse.Hensikten er ikke å slå ...
    • Naturvernforbundet og den norske kjernekraften på 1970-tallet 

      Molven, Andreas (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis is a study of how Norges Naturvernforbund (NNV) interacted with and argued against the nuclear energy debate in Norway during the 1970s. What where their main arguments, how were they used, and did they change ...