Browsing Universitetet i Stavanger by Title
Now showing items 12779-12798 of 20534
Naming the “baby” or the “beast”? The importance of concepts and labels in healthcare safety investigation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-02)This paper focuses on concepts and labels used in investigation of adverse events in healthcare. The aim is to prompt critical reflection of how different stakeholders frame investigative activity in healthcare and to ... -
Nano silica treated water based drilling fluid formulation and analysis in various polymers and salts systems
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IPT/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-12-21)This thesis presents the formulation of nano silica particle based water drilling fluid, its characterization and performance simulation study. A total of ten test matrix fluid systems were designed to investigate the ... -
Nano-based Elastomer Swelling Agent
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IPT/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)With multistage hydraulic fracturing and extended reach wells becoming increasingly common, the need for effective annular zonal isolation has become paramount. In such wells, swell packers are being preferred over traditional ... -
Nanoparticles for Oil Well Drilling Fluids and Cement
(PhD Theses;738, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Drilling fluids and oil well cement are essential elements of the drilling process and well construction. Drilling fluids play a crucial role in the drilling process, ensuring the safety and efficiency of well construction. ... -
Nanostructured titanium dioxide: fate in the aquatic environment and effects on the marine mussel mytilus edulis
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)The rapid development of nanotechnology and the corresponding increase in the use of nanoparticles in commercial products have led to concerns about their health risks and environmental impact. As the aquatic systems act ... -
Naphthalene trans-dihydrodiols
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-09)The currently used GC-MS method for analysis of PAH metabolites in fish bile only focus on phenols; 1-naphthol, 2-naphthol, 1-hydroxyphenanthrene, and alkylated derivatives. 1- Hydroxypyrene is also included, but not ... -
Narrative analysis of online traveling community: An explorative study of Chinese-speaking visitors sharing their travel experiences in Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06)The research focus concerned with Norway’s online destination image and experience among Chinese visitors based on the social stimuli content in the User-generated content travel community. It will not only look into the ... -
Narrative Approach for Identifying Movements of Change and the Value of Therapeutic Writing Related to Chronic pain Management
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-12)In this study, we examined extensive narratives prepared by participants who attended a chronic pain management programme where therapeutic writing was included. The aim was to explore how narrators experience the contexts ... -
Narrative Empathy and Representations of Mental Health in “The Yellow Wallpaper”
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
A Narrative Study of the Best Interest of Young Women in Out-of-Home Care: Towards a More Sustainable Social Work Practice
(PhD thesis UiS; 776, Doctoral thesis, 2024)At the time of this research, Norwegian Child Welfare had recently undergone reform, and a new Child Welfare Act came into force on 1 January and 1 July 2023. The need to update the 30-year-old law was inspired by Norwegian ... -
Narratives of Change: Identity and Recognition Dynamics in the Process of Moving Away From a Life Dominated by Drug Use
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The concepts of identity and recovery capital are recognized as being an embedded part of moving away from a life dominated by drug use. However, the link between these two concepts and the effect of broader social structures, ... -
Nasal and salivary pepsin as a biomarker for gastro-esophageal reflux in chronic rhinosinusitis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03)Background: Gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) may be a contributing factor for some patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The aim of the present study was to investigate if Peptest, an immunoassay for pepsin detection, ... -
Nasjonal håndtering av marin forsøpling - en studie med fokus på forebyggende-og konsekvensreduserende tiltak
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-12)Marin forsøpling blir gjentatte ganger satt i medienes søkelys når samfunnets handlinger påvirker både dyrelivet og naturen. Å arbeide med tiltak for å redusere utslipp og rydde opp søppel har vist seg å være både utfordrende ... -
Nasjonal meldeordning for uønskede hendelser og læring i sykehus: – en case-studie om læringsnotaters reise i et sykehus
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IH/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05-26)Forvaltningen av uønskede hendelser i spesialisthelsetjenesten ble i 2012 flyttet til Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten. De har blant annet publisert læringsnotat basert på en aggregering av uønskede i ... -
Nasjonale prøver i lesing - En ressurs eller en last?
(Master thesis, 2023)Nasjonale prøver med tilhørende resultater og offentliggjøringen av disse har vært et tema for debatt siden prøvene ble innført i 2004. Selv om prøvene skal være en del av et nasjonalt kvalitetsvurderingssystem og har som ... -
Nasjonale prøver i lesing – et nyttig verktøy, men nyttig til hva? En studie om ungdomsskolelæreres bruk av nasjonale prøver i undervisningsplanlegging og i undervisning
(Master thesis, 2021)Målet for denne studien var å undersøke hvordan nasjonale prøver i lesing brukes av lærere som opplever prøvene som nyttige når de planlegger leseundervisning og hvordan de bruker resultatene og prøvene i undervisningen. ... -
Nasjonale prøver i lesing – et verktøy i skoleutvikling?
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Nasjonalisme og romanifolket - sett gjennom emosjonshistorie
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Oppgaven undersøker hvordan norsk nasjonalisme har vært med på å skape norsk identitet gjennom emosjoner. Samtidig undersøker den hva romanifolkets identitet har å si i emosjonshistorien. Disse feltene kobles deretter ... -
Nasjonen - I dag og fremover
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I denne oppgaven har jeg sett nærmere på nasjonalstatens rolle i dagens verden. For å gjøre dette har brukt begrepene postnasjonalisme og dens motpart nynasjonalisme. Jeg har også sett nærmere på tre av de største ... -
National diversity of workers – an obstacle or an opportunity? A qualitative study of Eastern European construction workers` safety
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013-06-16)Background and research problem: building and construction is a dangerous branch of industry. Norwegian Working Environment authority discovered that leased Eastern European construction workers are injured at work more ...