Now showing items 2751-2770 of 4330

    • Nearly Zero Energy Buildings - a viable contributor towards mitigating climate change? 

      Torstveit, Stian (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      This master thesis investigates the potential for the nearly zero energy building concept to make any contribution towards mitigating climate change, as a result of the European Unions ́ “Energy performance of buildings ...
    • Nedbemanning of survivor syndrome - En casestudie av Aker Solutions 

      Sirevåg, Morten (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05-20)
      Bakgrunnen for denne masteroppgaven har vært å se på hvordan ansatte som er igjen i en bedrift blir påvirket av at kollegaer mister jobben. Gjennom samarbeid med Aker Solutions er det sett på om de overlevende blir rammet ...
    • Nedbemanninger i en oljeservicebedrift 

      Haugstad, Andrea; Gustu, Jørn Andre (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06-15)
      I løpet av kort tid, har mange bedrifter i oljesektoren gjennomført store nedbemanningsprosesser. Bakgrunnen for nedbemanningene har vært lav oljepris, større konkurranse, samt mindre aktivitet. I den forbindelse var det ...
    • Needs assessment; a duality in humanitarian practice? How does current needs assessment practices facilitate information-sharing among humanitarian actors? 

      Rohatgi, Manvi Aurora; Dysvik, Pernille Cedergren (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-07)
      The current state of humanitarian emergencies stands unprecedented, and have placed humanitarian efficiency at the top of a common agenda. However, any discourse on the efficiency of humanitarian assistance demands that, ...
    • Negative holdninger til lhbt+ personer 

      Olsen, Benedicte (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
    • Negative information, cognitive load, and taste perceptions 

      Hansen, Håvard; Melbye, Elisabeth Lind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Previous research on consumer’s evaluation of how good or bad a food product tastes have found that activating memory-based perceptions or presenting non-taste related product information influence the taste judgment. In ...
    • Negotiated participation : Social media logics and the orientation, conversation, and resistance of participation 

      Salte, Luise (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Over the last twenty years, social media have grown into prominent information and communication platforms. Scholars have provided great insight into these platforms’ role to people’s participation. Theories about the ...
    • Negotiating municipal merger: Understanding negotiation arenas through perspectives of social order and logics of negotiation. 

      Stine, Nygaard; Holmen, Ann-Karin Tennås (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02)
      This article contributes to organizational research by describing the format and space of negotiation arenas – temporary arenas with diverse social order characteristics. The article also contributes to our understanding ...
    • Net-zero emissions by 2026: Future scenarios on transitioning the cruise market in Norwegian World Heritage Fjords 

      Tufte, Kristian Mathisen (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis has recognized several scenarios based on secondary research in the form of a document analysis and literature review and primary research in the form of expert interviews respectively. As an exploratory ...
    • Nettverkets betydning etter seksuelle overgrep - en litteraturstudie 

      Bjørsvik, Ida (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven bruker litteraturstudie som metode for å belyse viktigheten av det uformelle nettverket i arbeid med overgrepsutsatte barn. Oppgaven tar for seg hvilke barrierer som står i veien for at barn ikke ...
    • Network evolution of regional brain volumes in young children reflects neurocognitive scores and mother's education 

      Zhou, Yidong; Müller, Hans-Georg; Zhu, Changbo; Chen, Yaqing; Wang, Jane-Ling; O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan; Bruchhage, Muriel Marisa Katharina; Deoni, Sean (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The maturation of regional brain volumes from birth to preadolescence is a critical developmental process that underlies emerging brain structural connectivity and function. Regulated by genes and environment, the coordinated ...
    • Networking, context and firm-level innovation: Cooperation through the regional filter in Norway 

      Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-07)
      The paper assesses the role for innovation of one aspect which has been generally overlooked by evolutionary economic geography: context. It analyses how context shapes the impact of collaboration on firm-level innovation ...
    • Networks and innovation in the subsea industry in Rogaland: Will position in the network affect a company's ability to innovate? 

      Hjertvikrem, Nina; Nyland, Elisabeth (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-11)
      Subsea is an advanced, high technology industry making oil extraction possible, simpler and safer in deep seas and rough weather conditions. Subsea is an industry where Norwegian companies have gained acknowledgment for ...
    • Neuroanatomical heterogeneity and homogeneity in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis 

      Baldwin, Helen; Radua, Joaquim; Antoniades, Mathilde; Haas, Shalaila S.; Frangou, Sophia; Agartz, Ingrid; Allen, Paul; Andreassen, Ole; Atkinson, Kimberley; Bachman, Peter; Baeza, Inmaculada; Bartholomeusz, Cali F.; Chee, Michael W. L.; Colibazzi, Tiziano; Cooper, Rebecca E.; Corcoran, Cheryl M.; Cropley, Vanessa L.; Ebdrup, Bjørn H.; Fortea, Adriana; Glenthøj, Louise Birkedal; Hamilton, Holly K.; Haut, Kristen M.; Hayes, Rebecca A.; He, Ying; Heekeren, Karsten; Kaess, Michael; Kasai, Kiyoto; Katagiri, Naoyuki; Kim, Minah; Kindler, Jochen; Klaunig, Mallory J.; Koike, Shinsuke; Koppel, Alex; Kristensen, Tina D.; Bin Kwak, Yoo; Kwon, Jun Soo; Lawrie, Stephen M.; Lebedeva, Irina; Lee, Jimmy; Lin, Ashleigh; Loewy, Rachel L.; Mathalon, Daniel H.; Michel, Chantal; Mizrahi, Romina; Møller, Paul; Nelson, Barnaby; Nemoto, Takahiro; Nordholm, Dorte; Omelchenko, Maria A.; Pantelis, Christos; Raghava, Jayachandra M.; Røssberg, Jan Ivar; Rössler, Wulf; Salisbury, Dean F.; Sasabayashi, Daiki; Schall, Ulrich; Smigielski, Lukasz; Sugranyes, Gisela; Suzuki, Michio; Takahashi, Tsutomu; Tamnes, Christian Krog; Tang, Jinsong; Theodoridou, Anastasia; Thomopoulos, Sophia I.; Tomyshev, Alexander S.; Uhlhaas, Peter J.; Værnes, Tor Gunnar; van Amelsvoort, Therese A. M. J.; Van Erp, Theo G. M.; Waltz, James A.; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Wood, Stephen J.; Zhou, Juan H.; McGuire, Philip; Thompson, Paul M.; Jalbrzikowski, Maria; Hernaus, Dennis; Fusar-Poli, Paolo; de la Fuente-Sandoval, Camilo; Catalano, Sabrina; Hubl, Daniela; Schiffman, Jason; Venegoni, Enea D.; Hooker, Christine I.; Rasser, Paul E.; Hegelstad, Wenche; Resch, Franz; Lemmers-Jansen, Imke L. J.; Amminger, G. Paul; Chen, Xiaogang; Cho, Kang Ik K.; Glenthøj, Birte Yding; de Haan, Lieuwe; Harris, Matthew A.; Hwang, Wu Jeong; León-Ortiz, Pablo; Ma, Xiaoqian; McGorry, Patrick; Mora-Durán, Ricardo; Mizuno, Masafumi; Nordentoft, Merete; Ouyang, Lijun; Pariente, Jose C.; Reyes-Madrigal, Francisco; Sørensen, Mikkel E.; Velakoulis, Dennis; Vinogradov, Sophia; Wenneberg, Christina; Yamasue, Hidenori; Yuan, Liu; Yung, Alison R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) demonstrate heterogeneity in clinical profiles and outcome features. However, the extent of neuroanatomical heterogeneity in the CHR-P state is largely undetermined. ...
    • New investment models for gas infrastructure on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 

      Holsen, Thomas Moltubakk (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-07-14)
      This master thesis is a study of how new investment models for gas infrastructure can contribute to realization of new gas resources on the NCS. It analyzes the separation of gas infrastructure from the rest of the field ...
    • New municipalism and the governance of urban transitions to sustainability 

      Sareen, Siddharth; Wågsæther, Katinka Lund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cities play increasingly recognised roles in global climate change responses: as change laboratories, spaces of opportunity, and as administrative and economic hubs that concentrate human and financial resources and needs. ...
    • New Public Managemen: roten til stress? 

      Pedersen, Silje (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)
      Sammendrag Masteroppgaven er bygget opp på en kvalitativ forskningsmetode som tar utgangspunkt i ustrukturerte intervju med 6 informanter. Studien fokuserer på jobbstress i relasjon til New Public Management (NPM) og ...
    • New trends in non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease 

      Tokovska, Miroslava; Rosenberg, Adriana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to summarize the knowledge of non-pharmacological treatment in the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The contribution is theoretical and provides a suitable prerequisite ...
    • Next-of-Kin Involvement in Regulatory Investigations of Adverse Events That Caused Patient Death: A Process Evaluation (Part II: The Inspectors' Perspective) 

      Wiig, Siri; Schibevaag, Lene; Tvete Zachrisen, Rannveig; Hannisdal, Einar; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Anderson, Janet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-10)
      Objective The aim of the study was to explore regulatory inspectors' experiences with a new method for next-of-kin involvement in investigation of adverse events causing patient death. A resilient healthcare perspective ...
    • NHOs adferd gjennom instrumentell og institusjonell teori - Organisasjonsadferd i møte med press fra omgivelsene 

      Tommy Helle (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Oppgaven ser på NHOs adferd og handlinger ved interesseheving gjennom et instrumentelt og institusjonelt teoretisk perspektiv. Analysen ønsker å forklare den ubenyttede bruken av midlertidige ansatte når liberalisering ...