Viser treff 801-820 av 3211

    • Barns kompetanser i problemløsning! «Hvilke matematiske kompetanser trenger barna i sin problemløsning med kodeleken Kubo?» 

      Doreen Korup; Mona Iren Wathne; Ingeborg Øverland (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Vi vil i denne oppgaven se på hvilke matematiske kompetanser barn tyr til under problemløsning. Bruk av Matematikk og digitale verktøy er noe man kan tenke seg vil variere i barnehager med ulike satsningsområder. Om ...
    • Fortellinger om utestenging og klassemiljø 

      Jahnsen, Hanne; Støen, Janne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Skolene vi veileder sier at de vanskeligste mobbesakene er utestenging blant jenter. Vi har undersøkt en slik sak. Mariell som ble utestengt, en lærer, en skoleleder og elevens forelder forteller om det som skjedde. Hensikt ...
    • Fjogstad, Nyvlest, *Ævest. Sørvestnorske øydegardsnamn på -stad frå førhistorisk tid 

      Særheim, Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A number of toponyms ending in -stad or -land in south-western Norway are linked to deserted farms from prehistoric times. Several of these names are identical to and seem to be of the same type and age as ancient Norwegian ...
    • Musikk i barns tidlige utvikling 

      Waldejer, Maria (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I mitt forskningsprosjekt har jeg tatt for meg problemstilling med følgende lyd: «Hvorfor er det viktig med musikk i barns tidlige relasjoner og samspill, og hvordan kan det arbeides med å tilføre musikk i de yngste barns ...
    • Vi gikk en tur bort fra stien ... - På tur med de yngste barna i barnehagen 

      Emilie Øvrevik Sundve; Miriam Lund Neresen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Gjennom denne oppgaven har vi tatt sikte på å belyse problemstillingen “hvilken praksis har de utvalgte barnehagene når det gjelder turer med de yngste barna i barnehagen? For å belyse problemstillingen har vi valgt å ...
    • Verdiformidling i barnehagen 

      Bruflot, Cecilie (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven har tittelen «Verdiformidling i barnehagen». Den tar for seg hovedtemaene verdier og verdiformidling, og det er forsøkt å få frem noen måter som ledelsen arbeider på når det gjelder verdigrunnlaget i barnehagen. ...
    • Flerspråklighet ved 0-3 års avdeling. 

      Bauge, Sandra Feet (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne oppgaven blir problemstillingen «hvordan legger barnehagen til rette for gode rammer ved en 0-3 års avdeling, for de barna som vokser opp flerspråklig» belyst ved hjelp av relevant teori og forskning. I henhold til ...
    • Democracy in practice? The Norwegian public inquiry of the Alexander L. Kielland North-Sea oil platform disaster 

      Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)
      In March 1980, the oil-platform Alexander L. Kielland capsized in the North Sea resulting in the death of 123 workers. The Norwegian inquiry into the disaster was closed to the public and the survivors' accounts of the ...
    • Dialogic space in Norwegian early-years literacy education 

      Skaftun, Atle; Wagner, Åse Kari Hansen; Nygard, Arne Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This study explores and analyses conditions for student participation in Norwegian Year Two classrooms. It is inspired by the concept of dialogic space (Wegerif, 2013) and by Segal and Lefstein's (2016) model for the ...
    • Chad. Realpolitik and Aspirational Deprivation 

      Hansen, Ketil Fred (Chapter, 2021)
      Chadians have experienced harsh governance and personal rule since colonization. Between independence in 1960 and the coup d’état in 1990 that brought President Déby to power, violent conflicts, and civil war continuously ...
    • Trajectory subgroups of perceived emotional support from teachers: Associations with change in mastery climate and intentions to quit upper secondary school 

      Tvedt, Maren Stabel; Virtanen, Tuomo E.; Bru, Lars Edvin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The aims of this three-wave longitudinal study were to identify and describe trajectories of perceived emotional support from teachers and investigate whether these trajectories were related to the development of intentions ...
    • Preparatory School Teachers' Self-Directed Online Professional Development 

      Ballidag, Sezgin; Dikilitas, Kenan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This case study investigates how teachers render digital professional development in digital environments by interviewing with three preparatory school English language teachers voluntarily engaged in online professional ...
    • Literair lezen in het digitale tijdperk 

      Hakemulder, Frank; Mangen, Anne (Chapter, 2021)
      Ondanks de mooie voordelen van het digitale tijdperk gaat ook weleens iets waardevols verloren. Deep reading wordt bedreigd door het oppervlakkig lezen vanaf de schermpjes die ons overal en altijd vergezellen (Wolf, 2018). ...
    • Teaching multiplication using representations : What works for primary pre-service teachers in Malawi? 

      Jacinto, Everton Lacerda; Jakobsen, Arne (Chapter, 2021)
      This article addressed the question: How do pre-service teachers in Malawi understand the teachingtasks and the knowledge necessary to teach multiplication using multiple representations? A case studywas conducted with one ...
    • Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora 

      Staksrud, Elisabeth; Kolstad, Ivar; Bang, Kirsten Johanne; Bomann-Larsen, Lene; Fretheim, Kjetil; Granaas, Rakel Christina; Harpviken, Kristian Berg; Haugen, Heidi Østbø; Jakobsen, Kjetil Ansgar; Johnsen, Roar; Lie, Markus Hoel; Lile, Hadi Strømmen; Nevøy, Anne; Nilsen, Tove Klæboe; Skilbrei, May-Len; Enebakk, Vidar (Research report, 2021)
      Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité for samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora (NESH) er et uavhengig og rådgivende organ, som har ansvar for å utarbeide nasjonale forskningsetiske retningslinjer. Den første utgaven av NESHs ...
    • Belonging and participation as portrayed in the curriculum guidelines of five European countries 

      Piškur, , Barbara; Takala, Marjatta; Berge, Anita; Eek-Karlsson, Liselotte; Ólafsdóttir, Sara M.; Meuser, Sarah (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This study seeks to explore how the belonging and participation, as well as its related concepts, are framed in the national curriculum guidelines of the Netherlands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. We employed a ...
    • Students appropriation of space in education outside the classroom : Some aspects on physical activity and health from a pilot Study with 5th-graders in Germany 

      Mall, Christoph; von Au, Jakob; Dettweiler, Ulrich (Chapter, 2021)
      In this article, we explore pupils’ appropriation of space in educational settings that take place outside the classroom. We first introduce the much-neglected concepts of place and space in educational contexts. Hereby, ...
    • Mathematics teacher educators' thinking about mutuality in teaching 

      Dahlgren, Matthew; Hoover, Mark; Mosvold, Reidar (Chapter, 2022)
      Stakeholders agree that the mathematical education of teachers needs to focus on mathematical knowledge for teaching, but the practice-based nature of this knowledge poses challenges for mathematics teacher educatorsfor ...
    • Non-normal Data Simulation using Piecewise Linear Transforms 

      Foldnes, Njål; Grønneberg, Steffen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We present PLSIM, a new method for generating nonnormal data with a pre-specified covariance matrix that is based on coordinate-wise piecewise linear transformations of standard normal variables. In our presentation, the ...
    • Mathematics discourse in instruction : How it helps us think about research on mathematics teaching 

      Adler, Jill; Mosvold, Reidar (Chapter, 2022)
      Mathematics Discourse in Instruction (MDI) is a framework developed to describe, interpret, and support development of mathematics teaching. Since its inception, it has been successfully used as a tool for research and ...