Now showing items 41-60 of 164

    • Finnes den afrikanske middelklassen? 

      Hansen, Ketil Fred (Journal article, 2016-08)
      Verdensbankens definisjon av «middelklassen» i Afrika forvrenger vår forståelse av kontinentets økonomiske utvikling de siste årene. Ved å undersøke typiske middelklassegoder som å ha råd til mobiltelefon, bil og besøk på ...
    • Memories of Moses: A survey through genres 

      Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      During the last few decades an increasing number of biblical scholars have turned to memory studies in their analyses of texts. The figure of Moses is one of the topics discussed, yet so far the studies have not sufficiently ...
    • Writing Men on the Margins: Joseph Mitchell, Masculinity, and the Flaneur 

      Ferry, Peter Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This study introduces the philosophies of the flâneur—a figure associated with the acts of wandering, observing, and reporting the realities of life on the city streets—to offer a critical reconsideration of a sociological ...
    • Aksjonsforskning i Norge : teoretisk og empirisk mangfold 

      Gjøtterud, Sigrid; Hiim, Hilde; Husebø, Dag; Jensen, Liv Helene; Steen-Olsen, Tove Herborg; Stjernstrøm, Else (Book, 2017)
      Antologien Aksjonsforskning i Norge. Teoretisk og empirisk mangfold består av tjue vitenskapelige artikler innen utdanning, helse, vitensentre, kunst og arbeidsliv. Antologien gir et innblikk i historisk utvikling, ...
    • På jobb i Alicante 

      Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss (Chapter, 2017)
      Spania er et populært ferieland både for nordmenn og mange andre europeere, og det har dessuten blitt stadig mer vanlig å eie bolig der. Nordmenn forbinder steder som Alicante og Malaga med turisme og pensjonisttilværelse, ...
    • Population figures, gender distribution, patterns of settlement and migration in area of the Karmsund strait and Stavanger in the second half of the nineteenth century 

      Tysdal, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-12)
      This paper concerns population development in the coastal districts near Stavanger County (from 1919, the County of Rogaland) in the second half of the nineteenth century. Its objective is to throw light on relationships ...
    • Effects of regular classes in outdoor education settings: A systematic review on students' learning, social and health dimensions 

      Becker, Christoph; Lauterbach, Gabriele; Spengler, Sarah; Dettweiler, Ulrich; Mess, Filip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05)
      Background: Participants in Outdoor Education Programmes (OEPs) presumably benefit from these programmes in terms of their social and personal development, academic achievement and physical activity (PA). The aim of this ...
    • Competing ideas of 'natural' in a dam removal controversy 

      Jørgensen, Dolly (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-10)
      In spite of general support for removal of dam structures within the ecological sciences community, local residents sometimes contest dam removals. This article examines the competing ideas of 'natural' and 'nature' that ...
    • Mentoring and early years practitioners: Investigating the influence of higher education qualifications and social support 

      Waaland, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12)
      The main purpose of this article is to study the influence of social support on mentoring provided and the moderating influence of having a higher education. This cross-sectional survey was based on a questionnaire that ...
    • Language Use and Social Inclusion in International Retirement Migration 

      Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss; Gustafson, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12)
      The migration of older people in search for improved quality of life has become an important form of human mobility, and popular retirement destinations are often highly multilingual settings. This article explores language ...
    • Mentoring and early years practitioners: Investigating the influence of higher education qualifications and social support 

      Waaland, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12)
      The main purpose of this article is to study the influence of social support on mentoring provided and the moderating influence of having a higher education. This cross-sectional survey was based on a questionnaire that ...
    • A Bayesian Mixed-Methods Analysis of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction through Outdoor Learning and its Influence on Motivational Behavior in Science Class 

      Dettweiler, Ulrich; Lauterbach, Gabriele; Becker, Christoph; Simon, Perikles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12)
      Research has shown that outdoor educational interventions can lead to students' increased self-regulated motivational behavior. In this study, we searched into the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN), i.e., ...
    • Teachers’ Use of Film in the History Classroom: A Survey of 19 High School Teachers in Norway 

      Wagner, David-Alexandre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This article explores the use of films by Norwegian high school teachers in history classes. Empirical data was collected through audio recordings of semi-structured interviews with 19 history teachers from the same urban ...
    • Olav H. Hauge og nynorsk omsetjingskunst 

      Myrvoll, Klaus Johan; Spaans, Ronny Grønning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Norske litteraturkritikarar har hevda at Olav H. Hauge (1908–1994) tidlegare enn nokon annan omsetjar skal ha interessert seg for den nye modernistiske kanon. Denne artikkelen argumenterer for at dette biletet baserer seg ...
    • Envisioning North from a Premodern Perspective 

      Jørgensen, Dolly; Langum, Virginia (Chapter, 2018)
      In The Making of Europe, the medieval historian Robert Bartlett argues that ‘Europe is both a region and an idea’. The same can be said of the North. The North is both a geographical region and an imaginative concept that ...
    • Los migrantes noruegos en Alicante ¿Hablan español? 

      Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      De siste 50 årene har tusenvis av nordmenn kjøpt bolig i Spania. De fleste sesongmigrerer mens noen få migrerer. Her analyseres noen sosiolingvistiske aspekter av kulturelle møter mellom nordmenn og spanjoler på 1970-tallet. ...
    • Om Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse 

      Larsen, Tarjei Mandt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Artikkelen søker å bidra til å eksplisere forpliktelsene til Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse. Husserl karakteriserer persepsjon som erfaring av «legemlig gitte» fysiske ting. Grunnprinsippet i hans persepsjonsepistemologi ...
    • Teaching the Environmental Humanities: International Perspectives and Practices 

      O'Gorman, Emily; Van Dooren, Thom; Münster, Ursula; Adamson, Joni; Mauch, Christof; Sörlin, Sverker; Armiero, Marco; Lindström, Kati; Houston, Donna; Pádua, José Augusto; Rigby, Kate; Jones, Owain; Motion, Judy; Muecke, Stephen; Chang, Chia-Ju; Lu, Shuyuan; Jones, Christopher; Green, Lesley; Matose, Frank; Twidle, Hedley; Schneider-Mayerson, Matthew; Wiggin, Bethany; Jørgensen, Dolly (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article provides the first international overview and detailed discussion of teaching in the environmental humanities (EH). It is divided into three parts. The first offers a series of regional overviews: where, when, ...
    • The Promise of Kiruna's Iron Ore in the Swedish Imagination, c. 1901-1915 

      Unknown author (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Iron ore mining in the Norrbotten region of Sweden began in the early years of the twentieth century as a commercially uncertain and even dangerous proposition. But even before it began to generate profits, public debate ...
    • Språk i småbyen: varietet og variasjon. 

      Hognestad, Jan Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      For det første søker dette arbeidet å dokumentere den betydelige graden av variasjon som kan forekomme i tradisjonelle bymål, også variasjon som ikke uten videre kan settes i direkte sammenheng med sosial lagdeling. Dette ...