Now showing items 17530-17549 of 20166

    • Temperature Optimization by Using Response Surface Methodology and Desirability Analysis of Aluminium 6061 

      Gutema, Endalkachew Mosisa; Gopal, Mahesh; Lemu, Hirpa Gelgele (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Because aluminium is a lightweight and low-density material, its alloys, such as Al 6061 alloy, are extensively used in numerous automobile, defense, and aviation components. This study aims to develop a predictive model ...
    • Temperature-Dependent Classification of Geopolymers Derived from Granite Designed for Well Cementing Applications 

      Khalifeh, Mahmoud; Chamssine, Fawzi; Agista, Madhan Nur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Alternative materials such as geopolymers appear to have potential advantages compared to Portland cement. However, the application of geopolymers for all sections of the well is still a major challenge due to the difference ...
    • Temperaturutvikling i betong 

      Rasmussen, Henning (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      Temperaturutvikling og egenskaper i en betong styres av bindemiddelet. Ved å bytte ut deler av sementen med pozzolan er det mulig å påvirke den totale varmeutviklingen og temperaturutviklingen. Temperaturgradienter styres ...
    • Temperaturutvikling i betong 

      Espen, Skogen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)
      Egenskapene i en betongkonstruksjon avgjøres i stor grad av bindemiddelet. Når deler av sementen byttes ut med pozzolan er det mulig å påvirke varmeutviklingen og dermed også temperaturutviklingen i herdefasen. Dette er ...
    • Template for documenting and reporting data in physician-staffed pre-hospital services: a consensus-based update 

      Tønsager, Kristin; Krüger, Andreas; Ringdal, Kjetil G.; Rehn, Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background Physician-staffed emergency medical services (p-EMS) are resource demanding, and research is needed to evaluate any potential effects of p-EMS. Templates, designed through expert agreement, are valuable and ...
    • A template to quantify the location and density of CD3 + and CD8 + tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in colon cancer by digital pathology on whole slides for an objective, standardized immune score assessment 

      Lea, Dordi; Watson, Martin Matthew Christian; Skaland, Ivar; Hagland, Hanne Røland; Lillesand, Melinda; Gudlaugsson, Einar; Søreide, Kjetil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background In colon cancer, the location and density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) can classify patients into low and high-risk groups for prognostication. While a commercially available ‘Immunoscore®’ exists, ...
    • Temporal Development of Sense of Presence and Cybersickness during an Immersive VR Experience 

      Thorp, Sebastian; Ree, Alexander Sævild; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Following the advances in modern head-mounted displays, research exploring the human experience of virtual environments has seen a surge in interest. Researchers have examined how to promote individuals’ sense of presence, ...
    • The temporal nature of mobile push notification alerts: A study of European news. 

      Wheatley, Dawn; Ferrer Conill, Raul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-08)
      Push notifications provide news outlets with direct access to audiences amid concerns around information overload, disinformation, and heightened competition for reader attention. Such news distribution is relevant because ...
    • Temporal Stability of Norwegians' Willingness to Pay to Avoid an Oil Spill in Lofoten 

      Nessler, Benedicte; Veen, Silje Helgesen van der (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      This paper investigates the temporal stability of Norwegians’ willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid an oil spill in Lofoten. Two questions are addressed: 1) does Norwegians’ WTP to avoid an oil spill in Lofoten change over ...
    • Temporality of agency in regional development 

      Grillitsch, Markus; Asheim, Bjørn; Nielsen, Hjalti (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07)
      The temporality of agency plays a fundamental role in regional development but has received little attention in economic geography and regional studies. This paper zooms in on two aspects of temporality: the temporality ...
    • Temporary Urbanization of the Eastern Harbor - A-15 year Horizon 

      Rasuli, Saba Athar (Master thesis, 2021)
      There has been an increasing interest in the phenomenon of temporary urbanization as cities and social forms are changing more rapidly. The concept has become a global trend, from music festivals, ice skating, street markets ...
    • Temporære strategier - kunst i det offentlige byrom 

      Leithe, Janne Kathrine (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg ulike temporære kunststrategier i det offentlige byrom hvor bydelsutvikling står sentralt. Oppgaven har som mål å undersøke kunstens påvirkning på levevilkår og den allmenne tilgang i det offentlige ...
    • Ten questions concerning positive energy districts 

      Sareen, Siddharth; Albert-Seifried, Vicky; Aelenei, Laura; Reda, Francesco; Etminan, Ghazal; Andreucci, Maria-Beatrice; Kuzmic, Michal; Maas, Nienke; Seco, Oscar; Civiero, Paolo; Krangsås, Savis Gohari; Hukkalainen, Mari; Neumann, Hans-Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) constitute an emerging energy transition paradigm, with an ambitious timeline for rapid upscaling to match the urgency of climate mitigation and adaptation. Increasingly networked and ...
    • Ten, tråd og nøste - om dekor på spinnehjul 

      Kristoffersen, Elna Siv (Viking;76, Journal article, 2013)
      Fra Rogaland foreligger en overveldende mengde spinnehjul; ifølge universitetsmuseenes elektroniske database er det tett oppunder 1000. I 1985 gjennomførte Ellen Høigård Hofseth en analyse der 614 av spinnehjulene inngikk. ...
    • The Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI): a scoping review of versions, translations and psychometric properties 

      Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus; Sadeghi, Talieh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      BACKGROUND: The Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) is a brief instrument designed to assess the five-factor model (FFM) personality dimensions. It was specifically developed to provide a brief assessment option in ...
    • Tendenser : mennesket som samfunnets omverden 

      Moe, Sverre (Journal article, 2008)
      The pretension of human rights to be universally valid irrespective of contingent historical and societal conditions is questionable. By their very definition, the rights imply a difference between man and society. The ...
    • Tenkende klasserom – bruk av dialog for tilrettelegging av elevers læring under problemløsning på vertikale tavler. 

      Berge, Line (Master thesis, 2022)
      Problemløsning i matematikkundervisningen vektlegges i ny læreplan. En måte å arbeide med problemløsning på, er gjennom det som kalles for et tenkende klasserom. Denne masterstudien posisjonerer seg innenfor et slikt ...
    • Tennsannsynlighet offshore 

      Khorasani, Sissel (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      Forskjeller mellom to modeller som brukes offshore for å beregne tennsannsynligheten
    • Tension testing of additively manufactured specimens of 17-4 PH processed by Bound Metal Deposition 

      Bjørheim, Fredrik; La Torraca Lopez, Isabel Mercedes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In contrast to the traditional ways of subtractive manufacturing, additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, adapts computer-aided design to iteratively build the component or part layer by layer. The technology ...
    • Tentacular Classrooms: Feminist Transformative Learning for Thinking and Sensing 

      Branlat, Jennifer; Velasquez, Juan; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02)
      Integrative transformative learning in a feminist perspective asks students to engage in potentially troublesome and unsettling debates, to confront their own privilege and situated knowledges, and to experiment with ...