Browsing Student papers (HF-IKS) by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 926
A Brewed Awakening: A Visual Analysis of Craft Beer Labels and Their Use of Multimodality in the Transmission of Culture, Identity, and Taste.
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis is a comparative study that utilises theories of visual grammar and multimodality to determine how Norwegian craft beer breweries use their product labels to transmit culture, identity, and taste to their ... -
A Call for Utopian Reform: An exploration of Godwinian philosophy in Frankenstein.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
A case study of a content and language integrated learning (clil) project in a 9th grade efl class in Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013-05-16)This thesis is a study of a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) project in a 9th grade Norwegian EFL class. History, namely the Second World War from the perspective of young people’s experiences, was taught ... -
A case study of Curriculum-Based Readers Theatre in a Norwegian Upper Secondary School EFL class
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05)This thesis is based on a case study of using Curriculum-Based Readers Theatre (CBRT), a group reading activity where pupils rehearse and perform content-based texts, in an upper secondary school English as a foreign ... -
A case study of feedback to written English in a Norwegian upper secondary school
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-06-15)This thesis is about a study of English writing and feedback in an upper secondary school in Norway. The ability to express oneself in writing is one of the five basic skills in the Norwegian LK06 English subject curriculum. ... -
A Case Study of Grammatical Errors among Norwegian EFL Learners
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
A case study of Readers Theatre with minority background adult learners of English in Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05-12)This thesis is about the implementation of Readers Theatre (RT) in a minority background adult learners’ class of English at an adult education centre in Norway. RT is a group reading activity where the students rehearse ... -
A Case Study of Teacher Cognition about EFL Writing Instruction and Writing Strategies in Norwegian First-Year Upper-Secondary Schools
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05)The present qualitative case study explores teacher cognition (beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and practices) in relation to writing instruction and the instruction of writing strategies in the English subject in first-year ... -
A case study of the benefits and challenges of Readers Theatre in a 6th grade Norwegian EFL class
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-05-16)This thesis is based on a case study of using Readers Theatre (RT), a group reading aloud activity in which pupils rehearse and perform texts, in a 6th grade English as a foreign language (EFL) class in Norway. The class ... -
A case study of the effect of formative assessment on the English writing development, accuracy and motivation of pupils in a Nowegian 7th grade.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-05-12)This thesis is based on a study of the effect of formative assessment on 7th grade pupils’ written English development, accuracy and motivation in a primary school in Norway. The pupils were provided feedback digitally by ... -
A case study of the impact of free voluntary web-surfing on reading comprehension and motivation in an upper secondary EFL class in Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-05)The current study was a case study of the impact of a three-month free voluntary web surfing (FVS) programme on pupils’ reading and motivation in a Norwegian upper secondary VG2 International English classroom (elective ... -
A Century of Love and Struggle: Gay Men's Lives Through the Camera’s Eye, 1850-1950
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
A Clockwork Orange: The state's needs and a human's rights.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
A Comparative Study of Euphemism in Biden and Trump's Speeches on Controversial topics.
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
A Comparison of Conceptual Metaphors of Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones’s Diary
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis analyses and compares conceptual metaphors of love and marriage in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones Diary (1996) to observe romantic and marital cultural changes in ... -
A decade after the Arab Spring - Comparing narratives around democracy and freedom in 2011 and 2021 through discourse analysis of English language news media and Twitter.
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis argues that the English language was a useful tool for some of the participants and many of the observers of the Arab Spring. It demonstrates that while many of the narratives on both traditional and social ... -
A group of Norwegian lower secondary learners’ reading experiences in English as a foreign language.
(Master thesis, 2015-11)ABSTRACT The Norwegian National curriculum LK06 put more emphasis on reading than prior curricula. However, recent studies of reading proficiency in Norway, such as the PISA surveys and Norwegian national tests report ... -
A Kingdom of Reason - Applying methodological contextualism to a comparison of Karl Popper and Friedrich Engels’ conceptions of science
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne Masteroppgaven sammenlikner Karl Popper og Friedrich Engels sine vitenskapsfilosofier via Quentin Skinner’s metodologiske kontekstualisme. Problemstillingen oppgaven forsøker å besvare er som følger: «Hvilke likheter ... -
A mixed methods study of Norwegian lower secondary EFL teachers´ practices, attitudes, and beliefs about the use of L1 in the EFL classroom.
(Master thesis, 2024)The present study is a mixed methods study, whose aim was to investigate the frequency and purposes of the Norwegian-speaking EFL teachers´ first language (L1) use in the lower secondary EFL classroom, along with other ... -
A Phonetic Analysis of Fantasy Races and their British accents
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)This essay analyzes several british accents used in The Hobbit and The Witcher using phonetics. The goal of the study is to investigate whether or not British accent stereotypes were used to help build the characters. And ...