Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-LS)
Recent Submissions
Cause for Concern? The Relationship Between Language Skills in Toddlers and Later Reading Skills in School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The purpose of this longitudinal study is to investigate the association between poor language skills in toddlers and later reading skills. In contrast to earlier research, the present study used an authentic assessment ... -
Elevmedvirkning i norskfaglig praksis på mellomtrinnet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen presenterer og diskuterer et partnerskap over tre semester mellom forskere og lærere innrettet mot å legge til rette for aktiv elevmedvirkning i norskfaglig praksis på mellomtrinnet. Vi ville skape dialogiske ... -
School Entry Detection of Struggling Readers using Gameplay Data and Machine Learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)Current methods for reading difficulty risk detection at school entry remain error-prone. We present a novel approach utilizing machine learning analysis of data from GraphoGame, a fun and pedagogical literacy app. The app ... -
Building a Stronger Case for Independent Reading at School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The effectiveness of incorporating independent reading practice in schools has long been a subject of uncertainty. To shed light on this ongoing debate, this meta-analysis seeks to investigate the impact of in-school ... -
The Collaborative Development of an Online Planning Tool for Teachers in Norway: Study Protocol for DigUp
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)Instructional planning is acknowledged as an important factor influencing the quality of classroom teaching. DigUp is a Research and Innovation in the Public Sector project which has received funding from the Research ... -
«Læreren snakker i en evighet»: Vilkår for elevdeltakelse og faglig dialog på mellomtrinnet – slik elevene ser det
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Elevdeltakelse og muntlig aktivitet som vilkår for dybdelæring står sentralt i de siste årenes revisjoner av læreplanene. Forskning på dialog og elevdeltakelse kan være avgjørende bidrag til utviklingen av praksisfeltet. ... -
Reading Practices with Multilingual Children in Norwegian Kindergartens. Picturebooks, Tangible Objects, and Playful Bodies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)One in five children in Norwegian kindergartens are multilingual, and reading practices that encourage the use of multilinguals’ entire linguistic repertoire can serve as important opportunities for language sharing, which ... -
Improved Goodness of Fit Procedures for Structural Equation Models
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We propose new ways of robustifying goodness-of-fit tests for structural equation modeling under non-normality. These test statistics have limit distributions characterized by eigenvalues whose estimates are highly unstable ... -
Shared book reading: a Norwegian survey of reading practices in families
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Access to books and a rich language environment at home are important for children’s language development. In this study we explored self-reported reading practices in families in Norway (N = 1001) to gain insight into the ... -
On how fiction impacts the self-concept : Transformative reading experiences and storyworld possible selves
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-10)Several empirical findings suggest that reading fiction expands and shapes our sense of self. This paper contributes to this line of research by mapping which temporal dimensions of the self-concept (Markus & Nurius, 1987) ... -
Paths to Transformation Across Contemporary Reading Practices: The Role of Motivations and Genre Preferences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Transformative effects of reading, in terms of shifts in self-understanding and enhanced social cognition, have been the topic of a variety of theoretical and empirical studies recently (cf. Fialho, 2019; Kuiken & Sopčák, ... -
Reading in the digital age: Differences and commonalities across research approaches
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Reading, a cornerstone of children’s education, is deeply influenced by cultural and traditional factors. Despite a consensus on its critical role, divergent definitions of reading persist across disciplines and theoretical ... -
Literary Reading on Paper and Screens: Associations Between Reading Habits and Preferences and Experiencing Meaningfulness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-01)The increasing use of digital technologies has implications for reading. Online and on-screen reading often consist of engaging with multiple, short, multimedia snippets of information, whereas longform reading is in ... -
Examining the Value of Literary Conversations: A critical mapping review of research into literary conversations in Scandinavian L1 classrooms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In recent years, researchers and practitioners in the field of Scandinavian L1 literature education have devoted considerable attention to literary conversations. In the Scandinavian countries, research into literature ... -
"The poem has stayed with me": Continued processing and impact from Shared Reading experiences of people living with cancer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Encounters with literary texts can lead to deeply cherished memories, some of which readers may ascribe powerful and enduring functions to in terms of acquired life insights, behavioral changes, consolation, and well-being. ... -
‘TL;DR’ (Too Long; Didn’t Read)? Cognitive Patience as a Mode of Reading: Exploring Concentration and Perseverance.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Reading literature is often related to cognitive patience (i.e., the ability to read with focused and sustained attention and delay gratification, while refraining from multitasking or skimming over parts of the text). In ... -
Skriv til meg–utforsking av lærerstudenters mestringsforventning til egen skriveundervisning i begynneropplæringen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Forskning fremhever læreres positive selvoppfatning som en forutsetning for å kunne gi god lese- og skriveopplæring (Hodges et al., 2021); de må oppleve seg kompetente, ha handlingsrom og oppleve en tilknytning til arbeidet ... -
How do technologies meet the needs of the writer with dyslexia? An examination of functions scaffolding the transcription and proofreading in text production aimed towards researchers and practitioners in education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-09)Technological reading and writing tools can help students with dyslexia improve their writing, but students do not use reading and writing functions as much as expected. However, research addressing relevant technological ... -
Co-Teaching Implementation: How Do School Leaders Support Teachers?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)School leaders play a pivotal role in fostering change and improvement, including via teacher-led interventions, such as co-teaching. Leaders’ vision and support create the conditions for teachers to maximize the effectiveness ... -
The role of processing foregrounding in empathic reactions in literary reading
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A considerable body of research has examined the age-old assertion that reading literature enhances empathy, however, mixed results have been found. The present study attempts to clarify such disparities, investigating the ...