Department of Education and Special Education
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PhD theses (HF-IGIS) [26]
Studentoppgaver (HF-IGIS) [1163]
Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Spesialpedagogikk / Migrasjoner og interkulturelle relasjoner / Matematikkdidaktikk
Recent Submissions
Association between Intention to Quit School and youth depression: a cluster randomized controlled trial of the effects of a group CBT course
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We investigated changes in youths’ intentions to quit school after following a group-based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based intervention for depressed adolescents in upper secondary school: the Adolescent Coping ... -
The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education: content and authorship analysis 2010–2024
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In celebrating the 20th anniversary of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (IJETHE), previously known as the Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), it is timely to ... -
Functional family therapy for adolescent disruptive behavior in Norway: Results from a randomized controlled trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Disruptive behavior during adolescence is linked to severe problems for the youths later in life and poses challenges to the families, schools, and treatment systems these youths meet. This randomized controlled trial was ... -
The Norwegian educational and psychological counselling service (EPS) as an ‘inclusion agent’ in schools?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article focuses on the schools’ support service related to the Nordic ambition of inclusive education. This ambition entails a somewhat conflicted mandate, which both the schools and the support service find demanding ... -
Realisering av kjerneelementet handverksferdigheiter i kunst og handverk - Relevansen av læraren sin making knowledge i arbeid med djupnelæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Gjennom rammeverket konseptuell læreplanteori frå Goodlad ser denne artikkelen på korleis handverksferdigheiter vert framstilt i den formelle læreplanen. Artikkelen ser også på arbeidet med å støtte elevane si utvikling ... -
Objects of uncertainty in gameplay: An analysis of lower secondary school students’ talk during a climate change board game and a digital game
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Games may offer opportunities for meaningful dialogue in school as they provide problems, dilemmas or, more generally, uncertainties that afford engagement. This potential for meaningful dialogue is possibly even more ... -
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning experiences in the subjects food and health, and outdoor life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-11)Background: The current curriculum for Norwegian primary and early secondary schools (grades 1–10) encourages teachers to work in an interdisciplinary environment. Purpose: This study examines how interdisciplinary peer ... -
Research on discussion in mathematics teaching : A review of literature from 2000 to 2020
(Conference object, 2024)For decades, reformers have emphasized discussion over recitation and lecture. Yet, traditional communication patterns are still dominant in mathematics classrooms internationally. In an effort to better understand this ... -
Hvordan kan læreren bruke tilpasset opplæring for å fremme læring i en inkluderende praksis i klasserommet?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne studie undersøker problemstillingen: «Hvordan kan læreren bruke tilpasset opplæring for å fremme læring i en inkluderende praksis i klasserommet?» Problemstillingen blir besvart ved hjelp av to forskningsspørsmål ... -
The Adultcentrism Scale: A Potential Contributor to Advancing Children’s Participation Rights in Nordic Contexts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The question that the authors of this article are collectively concerned with is as follows: how is it possible to protect children without disempowering them? To this end, the authors work to change adultcentric scholarly ... -
Identifisering av elever som skal utredes for dysleksi og gjennomføring av dysleksiutredning- En intervjustudie av læreres oppfatning av praksis.
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgavens tema var skolens praksis knyttet til identifisering, og læreres egnepraksis i gjennomføring av utredning av elever som skal utredes for dysleksi. Formålet var derfor todelt. Det første formålet var å ... -
Overgangsskjema som bare delvis fyller sin funksjon
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Samarbeid mellom barnehage, skole og skolefritidsordning for en trygg og god overgang. -en studie om ansattes beskrivelser av samarbeidet mellom barnehage, skole og skolefritidsordning for å legge til rette for en trygg og god overgang for barn med utfordrende atferd.
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Denne masteroppgaven belyser hvordan ansatte i barnehager, skoler og skolefritidsordninger beskriver samarbeidet om overgangen mellom disse institusjonene for barn med utfordrende atferd. Overgangen fra barnehage ... -
Symbolsk stemme? Barnekoordinatorers beskrivelser av barrierer for foreldremedvirkning i ansvarsgruppemøter
(Master thesis, 2024)Foreldre til barn med behov for sammensatte hjelpetjenester, har rett til å bli hørt og involvert i beslutningsprosessene som angår barnet. Likevel opplever mange foreldre barrierer som begrenser deres reelle medvirkning ... -
TPACK in Teacher Education: Exploring Pre-service Teachers’ Knowledge to Integrate Technology in Mathematics
(PhD thesis UiS; 827, Doctoral thesis, 2025)The notion of digital competence has gained significant attention both in school curricula and international research for more than a decade (Ferrari, 2012; Krumsvik, 2011; Marín-Suelves et al., 2020). The current Norwegian ... -
Enacting Critical Visual Literacy in Norwegian Secondary School EFL Classrooms: Opportunities and Challenges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article elaborates on opportunities and challenges related to implementing critical visual literacy (CVL) in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms in Norwegian secondary schools as an approach to preparing ... -
Class size and its influence on examination results in higher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-09)In this article, we analyze the relationship between class sizes and examination results in higher education. Data from the University of Stavanger, collected in the Common Student System (FS) in the period from 2011 to ... -
Deltagelse i kroppsøvingsfaget - En kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hva som fører til økt deltagelse blant elever på mellomtrinnet. Deltagelse har gjennom oppgaven blitt definert som å aktivt ta del i de aktivitetene som foregår i kroppsøvingsun ... -
Frå hylle til hjarte: Perspektiv på tekstpraksisar på eit skulebibliotek
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne avhandlinga er å undersøkja korleis éin skulebibliotekar og eit utval elevar erfarer ulike tekstpraksisar på eit skulebibliotek. Problemstillinga, «Kva for tekstpraksisar kan identifiserast på eit ...