Browsing PhD theses (HF-IGIS) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Å lære å kommunisere i det moderne klasserommet : en kvalitativ studie av interaksjonsformer på ungdomstrinnet
(PhD thesis UiS;127, Doctoral thesis, 2011)The study seeks to analyse teaching and learning as communicative institutional practices, and what conditions of learning and socialization that are study also argue that when students are participating in social practices ... -
DAt-Kon – et verktøy for differensiering av atferds- og konsentrasjonsvansker hos barn
(PhD thesis UiS;204, Doctoral thesis, 2013-10-25)DAt-Kon is a Norwegian assessment tool for behavioral and concentration problems in children as described by parents and close guardians in the home and school setting. The term ‘DAt-Kon’ is an acronym for ‘Differentiation ... -
Treningsprosessen i distanseløp på internasjonalt nivå : En analyse av treningsmengde, treningsintensitet og krav til fysisk kapasitet
(PhD thesis UiS;211, Doctoral thesis, 2014-01-09)Bakgrunn: Det er få studier som har sett på hvordan treningen til de aller beste distanseløperne fordeler seg på ulike intensitetsnivå gjennom et treningsår. Det er godt dokumentert at hastigheten ved anaerobe terskel ... -
Å måle og registrere matematikklæreres undervisningskunnskap : En studie av hvordan det er mulig å måle og studere matematikklæreres undervisningskunnskap, og mulige begrensninger og styrker ved måter en måler og studerer kunnskap på
(PhD thesis UiS;249, Doctoral thesis, 2015-04-10)Lærererens undervisningskunnskap i matematikk (UKM) blir i forskningen fremhevet som en faktor med stor betydning for både undervisningskvalitet og elevers læring. Utgangspunktet for denne studien er spørsmålet om hvordan ... -
Approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading instruction in Norwegian primary schools
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2016-06)This thesis is based on multi-perspective study of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading instructions in Norwegian fourth and fifth grades. The research focuses on the teaching of reading and investigates the use of ... -
Creation of Metacognitive Knowledge and Self-Awareness in the Foreign Language Classroom: a Game-Theoretical Approach
(PhD thesis UiS;324, Doctoral thesis, 2016-12-15)The overall objective of this research has been the quest to increase the understanding of how metacognitive knowledge can be taught in the foreign language classroom. It revolves around the following research questions: 1. ... -
Educating Pre-service Science Teachers ; Promoting PCK development through the use of Lesson Study combined with Content Representation
(PhD thesis UiS;340, Doctoral thesis, 2017-04-07)Recent research, both internationally and within Norway, has clearly expressed concerns about missing connections between subject-matter knowledge, pedagogical competence and real life practice in schools. This study looks ... -
Parents’ Experiences on Follow-up of Children’s Language Learning after Cochlear Implantation
(PhD thesis UiS;351, Doctoral thesis, 2017-09-14)This study explores parents’ experiences on follow-up of children’s language learning after cochlear implantation (CI). A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted hearing device that provides access to sound for a person ... -
Participation in school for students who use augmentative and alternative communication: A qualitative study of enablers and barriers to participation in regular lower secondary school
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2017-10)Students who use augmentative and alternative communication as compensation for limited or no functional speech have few opportunities to participate in a regular school. This study builds on the argument that communication, ... -
Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education : A mixed methods study of the emhasis on and integration of Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education Programmes in Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2018-05)This thesis examines how professional digital competence is integrated in initial teacher education programmes in Norway. The thesis is article-based, comprising an extended abstract and three articles. The extended abstract ... -
Sakkyndighet med mål og mening: En analyse av sakkyndighetens institusjonaliserte kjennetegn; et grunnlag for refleksjon og endring
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2018-05)Denne avhandlingen utforsker den norske PP-tjenestens institusjonaliserte sakkyndighetskunnskap. Sakkyndighetskunnskap er definert som den sosialt konstruerte kunnskapen som kommunale pedagogisk-psykologiske tjenester ... -
Lesemøtet som arena for utvikling av litterær kompetanse: Elever på tiende trinn leser for elever på første trinn
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2018-11)This thesis explores how participating in buddy reading events contributes to students’ literary competence. Buddy reading implies tenth-graders (15 years old) paired with first-graders (6 years old) for one-on-one reading ... -
The learning environment in upper secondary school physical education: The student perspective
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-06)The overreaching aim of this thesis was to gain a better understanding of the students’ perceptions of the learning environment in upper secondary school physical education, with special focus on marginalized subgroups. ... -
Fysisk aktivitet i skolen, fra kunnskap til praksis: Muligheter og utfordringer ved å implementere fysisk aktiv læring som didaktisk verktøy i skolen
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10)Utgangspunktet for denne studien var at vi i økende grad har pålitelig kunnskap om hva som er effektiv praksis for økt fysisk aktivitet i skolen, men vi mangler kunnskap om hvordan denne kunnskapen kan tas i bruk i praksis. ... -
The Development of Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of the Knowledge Necessary to Teach Mathematics: A Case Study in Malawi
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11)Globally, progress in education has been made in recent years to promote learning opportunities for all. However, significant gaps remain in lowincome countries. In Malawi, a developing country where the educational system ... -
Behavioural phenotype of Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) : Individual characteristics and parental and school staff's experiences
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11)Smith-Magenis’ syndrom er en sjelden og kompleks genetisk tilstand. Det anslås at rundt 1 av 15.000-25.000 levendefødte barn har diagnosen, og i Norge vet vi om ca 40-50 kjente tilfeller. Denne studien søker å bringe ny ... -
School-based physical activity interventions, physical fitness and mental health among adolescents: Effects, associations and lessons learned from the School in Motion study
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11)This thesis is part of the School in Motion study. School in Motion was initiated by the Norwegian government because of the political demand for more knowledge regarding possible approaches to increase adolescent physical ... -
From Act to Action: (Meta)pragmatic instruction with young EFL learners in Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-12)This doctoral research project is a case study of the impact of teaching English pragmatics to Norwegian primary school learners in 7th grade (aged 12-13). The importance and the impact of teaching second/foreign language ... -
Substantivfrasens kompleksitetsutvikling i innlærerspråk: En konstruksjonsgrammatisk analyse av skriftlig produksjon fra A1- til B2-nivå
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Å lære et nytt språk godt nok til at det kan dekke daglige behov, enten det er i skole-, arbeids- eller utdanningssammenheng, er uten tvil en utfordrende læringsoppgave. Hvordan denne læringsoppgaven oppleves og håndteres, ... -
Læreres samtaler som mulighetsrom for læring: En kvalitativ studie av lærersamtaler i Lesson Study
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-05)I dag pålegges lærere samarbeid gjennom nasjonale og lokale arbeidstidsordninger. Det er blitt stadig mer aktuelt å utforske hvordan lærere kan lære på arbeidsplassen, i samarbeid med kolleger i profesjonelle læringsfellesskap. ...