• Real time simulation of quarkonium in a thermal medium using a 3D Lindblad equation 

      Matre, Aslak (Master thesis, 2022)
      Using a new finite difference operator RN-SBP that has recently been developed and used for 1D simulations of the Lindblad equation, we extend it to the 3D case. We have not quite been able to implement the RN-SBP properly ...
    • Relative Survival Methods – Theory, Applications and Extensions to Monitoring 

      Tran, Jimmy Huy (Master thesis, 2022)
      In cancer research, one is often interested in the part of the hazard which corresponds to the disease. If the cause of death is unknown as in cancer registry data, the standard methods in survival analysis do not distinguish ...
    • Rovdyr-Bytte Modellen 

      Serigstad, Alexander. (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      The thesis is about the Lotka-Volterra equations which describes, trough differential equations, a theoretical situation where one species (predator) lives on a another species (prey), while the prey lives on a different ...
    • RSA-kryptering med diskusjon om bruk av det i skolen 

      Hjellup, Olav Hansen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Masteroppgaven gir en grunnleggende introduksjon av RSA kryptering, og angrep på RSA kryptering. Vi presenterer, modulær aritmetikk, tallteorien som er nødvendig for å forstå RSA kryptering, og en generell innføring i hva ...
    • Sammenheng mellom dentalt plakk og forkalkninger i arterievegger 

      Volkova, Olga (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
    • Sample size requirements for agreement studies 

      Tolokonnikova, Bogdana (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      This thesis examines requirements of subject sample size while planning a medical experiment, describes some known types of measures of inter-rater agreement and discovers some new useful results in this study area. The ...
    • Sirkelens kvadratur: En geometrisk tilnærming 

      Mohamed Nure, Hamdia (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg det klassiske problemet om sirkelens kvadratur. Sirkelens kvadratur har vært et av de vanskeligste konstruksjonsproblemene i matematikk og har fått enorm mengde oppmerksomhet i matematikkens ...
    • Statistical Shape Analysis of Brain Structures 

      Taheri Shalmani, Mohsen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      The purpose of this work is to study structural differences of the left hippocampus between patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and healthy control group (CG) based on shape models like skeletal representation (s-rep) ...
    • Statistiske metoder for analyse av data fra nasjonale prøver og undersøkelser i skoleverket. 

      Johannessen, Håkon Berg. (Master thesis, 2021)
      Nasjonale prøver ble for første gang gjennomført våren 2004. En forskningsbasert evaluering av prøvene i 2005 anbefalte sterkt en kraftig kompetanseheving på testteori og psykometri for de som utvikler og for de som leder ...
    • Stochastic Epidemic Models on Complex Network 

      Osei, Francis (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IMF/2019;, Master thesis, 2020-06-14)
      The spread of a virus or the outbreak of an epidemic are natural examples of stochastic processes. Classical mathematical descriptions of such phenomenon include various branching processes such as the SIR (Susceptible-I ...
    • Structure and morphology of CeO2 thin films from Raman spectroscopy and microscopic studies 

      Roshaninejad Parisa (Master thesis, 2022)
      Cerium oxide has been subject of numerous studies because of its current and potential uses in supercapacitors, solar cells, self-cleaning glasses and in catalysis. Use of ceria in self-cleaning glass, especially on the ...
    • Study of Photochromic Effect in Yttrium Oxyhydride Films 

      Knudsen, Tina (Master thesis, 2021)
      Mixed anion compounds have multiple different anions as part of their structure. Due to the different nature of individual anions the mixed anion compounds may exhibit other properties than the well known single anion ...
    • Survival Analysis using Cox Regression on Breast Cancer Data 

      Eilertsen, Dag Recep Eroglu (Master thesis, 2020-06)
      In this report, survival data from a german breast cancer study has been analysed using the programming software R. For the 686 female patients participating in the study, the value of eight explanatory variables were ...
    • Syntese og fotonedbrytningsevaluering av aminoalkoholer og oksazolidiner 

      Zeynep Mersin (Master thesis, 2023)
      Synteseforskning på etanolaminer og deres derivater, oksazolidiner, representerer bare en del av den større innsatsen for å bekjempe antibiotikaresistens og utvikle nye strategier for behandling. Antibiotikaresistens er ...
    • Test for trends in recurrent events data 

      Nordhaug, Benjamin Hansen (Master thesis, 2024)
      The aim of this thesis was to analyse how different trend tests perform under various scenarios, with a particular focus on simulated failure truncated data. The research conducted involved simulating failure truncated ...
    • The card game SET and finite geometry 

      Abrahamsen, Tiril; Eriksen, Morten (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This thesis explores the underlying mathematics of the card game SET, which is a fast-paced pattern recognition game played with 81 cards. The game involves making SETs of three cards with certain compatibility conditions ...
    • The card game SET and finite geometry 

      Abrahamsen, Tiril; Eriksen, Morten (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This thesis explores the underlying mathematics of the card game SET, which is a fast-paced pattern recognition game played with 81 cards. The game involves making SETs of three cards with certain compatibility conditions ...
    • The dark matter freeze out and beyond 

      Vangen, Liva Sandvin (Master thesis, 2022)
      Evidence of the existence of dark matter has been found due to deviations of gravitational motion of astronomical objects. We want to investigate the dark matter topic, which is constantly evolving due to the fast development ...
    • The Fourier transform and its applications to partial differential equations. 

      Wigestrand, Mikkel (Master thesis, 2021)
      In this master’s thesis I will introduce a way to solve partial differential equations and boundary value problems by transforming signals from a time domain to a frequency domain, and back. This algorithm is ...
    • The reasons for the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and the lessons for the classroom 

      Boge, Audun M.; Pedersen, Fredrik M.; Waldeland. Anders B. (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      On 7 November 1940, a historical event occurred for suspension bridge construction and aerodynamic engineering around suspension bridges. Engineers investigating the event concluded the bridge collapsed due to high winds ...