• Konneksjoner i og mellom gaugeteori og Lie-teori 

      Høiland, Marte Nilsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
    • Konvergens av Fourier rekker i Hilbert rom - en introduksjon til sampling teori. 

      Løvoll, Anders Rikard. (Master thesis, 2021)
      Klassisk kalkulus som omhandler studie av kontinuerlig forandring kan spores helt tilbake til 1600 tallet. Derimot mangler klassisk kalkulus evnen til å tilstrekkelig transformere naturlige prosesser som lyd, radiobølger ...
    • Kortspillet SET og dets underliggende matematikk 

      Holm, Morten. (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      SET er et høyt priset kortspill hvor hvert kort har objekter med forskjellig fyll, farge og fasong. Målet med spillet er å finne SET som består av tre kort hver som følger en bestemt regel for hvordan de kan slås sammen ...
    • Kumada-Corriu coupling in synthesis of PAHs 

      Hovland, Lone; Røyland, Marita Finnesand (Master thesis, 2022)
      The thesis explores the Kumada-Corriu coupling reaction as a possible handle to further functionalize PAHs. The starting material used was different types of triflate bearing PAHs. An attempt at preparing phenanthren-9-yl ...
    • Kumada-Corriu coupling in synthesis of PAHs 

      Hovland, Lone; Røyland, Marita Finnesand (Master thesis, 2022)
      The thesis explores the Kumada-Corriu coupling reaction as a possible handle to further functionalize PAHs. The starting material used was different types of triflate bearing PAHs. An attempt at preparing phenanthren-9-yl ...
    • Lattice Monte Carlo simulation and phase transitions in scalar field theories 

      Vembe, Jon (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IMF/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-15)
      The cubic anisotropy model is a simple scalar field theory with a phase transition of either first- or second order depending on the values of its parameters, with similarities to the electroweak phase transition that ...
    • Left-Invariant Pseudo-Riemannian Metrics on Lie Groups 

      Markestad, Styrbjørn Juhl (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2020;, Master thesis, 2020)
      n differential geometry and mathematical physics, there is interest in left-invariant pseudo-Riemannian metrics on Lie groups. We learn and review Lie theory, representation theory, geometric invariant theory, and differential ...
    • Lithiation of Carbon terminated silicon Carbide Surface 

      Forcham, Gana Kingsly (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-14)
      With the aim of searching for a promising Anode material for lithium ion batteries, quantum espresso modelling of the introduction of Lithium into the carbon terminated Silicon Carbide (SiC) Surface layers with the bottom ...
    • Lithiation of Silicon Carbide. 

      Acharya, Sushil (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)
      Nowadays, different material like: lithium, silicon, germanium and tin are under investigation as possible anode materials for Lithium ion batteries (LIBs.) The function of anode in LIB is to accommodate the lithium ion ...
    • Lokal trendestimering av Covid-19-smitte ved bayesiansk analyse 

      Adrian Serigstad (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Dette studiet tar for seg trendmodellen for Covid-19-smitte publisert i Stavanger Aftenblad. Hensikten er å videreformidle trendmodellens bayesianske bakteppe og fremheve bayesiansk analyse som metode for estimering under ...
    • Mapping of misconceptions concerning the carbon cycle - a quantitative survey of students in lower secondary and upper secondary school. 

      Lunde, Eirik Midbøe (Master thesis, 2022)
      This study aims to map what misconceptions students in lower secondary and upper secondary school possess concerning the carbon cycle. Data was gathered quantitatively using an anony- mous survey. Over 200 students from ...
    • Markov chain Monte Carlo 

      Nordhaug, Benjamin Hansen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Denne bachelor avhandlingen går tar for seg Markovkjede og introduserer Metropolis-Hastings algoritmer. Avhandlingen går mer dypt inn i diskret tid Markovkjede. Metropolis-Hastings algoritme en type Markovkjede Monte Carlo. ...
    • Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Scalar Nonlinear Conservation Laws 

      Bhatti, Farrukh Abbas (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis delves deeply into numerical solutions to nonlinear conservation laws. It focuses largely on the Method of Characteristics, its application in solving conservation laws, and the implementation of solutions in ...
    • Modelling fire occurrences in heavy goods vehicles in Norwegian road tunnels 

      Njå, Ådne (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-15)
      This master thesis project has been organized to scrutinize current incident data on near fires and fully developed fires in Norwegian road tunnels longer than 500 meter. This length is chosen because it is assumed that ...
    • Modified Kerr and Black Hole Ringdowns 

      Ahmed, Zaryab (Master thesis, 2023)
      In the post-merger phase of a black hole binary system, the remnant object is a perturbed black hole emitting gravitational radiation in the form of Gravitational Waves (quasi-normal modes) before admitting a stable state. ...
    • Multivariate Statistics 

      Wighus, Stian Hammerseth (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This bachelor thesis provides an introduction to multivariate statistics, which is the analysis of data with multiple variables using statistical methods. The thesis focuses on the generalization of the normal distribution ...
    • On Phonon Lasing 

      Kjetil Tofte (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      An article titled "A Phonon Laser", reported an experiment. Where a Mg+ ion was placed in a harmonic potential. It was pushed by two lasers, pointing in the same direction. One laser pushed when the Mg+ ion went towards ...
    • Open Middle Math og dybdelæring i Matematikk 

      Nesheim, Sigrunn Westersjø (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven trekker frem undervisningskonseptet Open Middle Math (Kaplinsky, Open Middle Math, 2020) og drøfter om dette konseptet bidrar til dybdelæring i matematikk. For å besvare dette spørsmålet er det gjennomført ...
    • "Open Middle Math" og dets bidrag til dybdelæring i matematikk 

      Seland, Didrik (Master thesis, 2022)
      Dette prosjektet baserer seg på Robert Kaplinskys (Kaplinsky, 2020) teori om «Open Middle Math», og har som mål å undersøke om undervisning med dette kan bidra til dybdelæring hos elever. I forbindelse med prosjektet ble ...
    • «Open Middle Math» og dets bidrag til undervisning i matematikk 

      Mølstre, Monica Emilie (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne masteroppgaven er det foretatt innhenting av datamateriale gjennom elevers oppgaveløsning i rammeverket «Open Middle Math». Målet ved observasjon og utprøving av oppgavetypen har vært å se om det kan være et godt ...