Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (SV-IS) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 251
Tendenser : mennesket som samfunnets omverden
(Journal article, 2008)The pretension of human rights to be universally valid irrespective of contingent historical and societal conditions is questionable. By their very definition, the rights imply a difference between man and society. The ... -
The nature of social pedagogy: an excursion in Norwegian territory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)In this paper, I examine the nature of social pedagogy, a discipline with deep roots in Continental Europe but not in the UK. Things are changing, however. The politicians in Westminster are listening to the people at the ... -
Barnevernet på ny kurs? - sluttrapport fase 1 Det nye barnevernet Det nye barnevernet - et forsknings og utviklingsprosjekt i Barnevernet
(NF-rapport;8, Research report, 2009)723 familier er intervjuet om seg og sine barn og deres erfaring med barnevernet i 12 kommuner i Norge. Barnevernarbeidere har gitt opplysninger om inntak og problemstillinger om de samme familiene. Surveyen har benyttet ... -
Sosiologien og menneskerettighetene
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-01)Sociology has traditionally been critical of the idea of universal human rights. Marx, Durkheim and Weber all opposed it from quite different positions. Generally, their criticism pointed to human rights as making man into ... -
The role of perceived parental socialization practices in school adjustment among Norwegian upper secondary school students
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-09)Background. Lack of adjustment or school failure is a concern to educators, educational and school psychologists as well as parents, but few studies have focused on school adjustment during late adolescence. Moreover, ... -
Lost in translation i møte med det offentlige
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-12)By examining material from a sociological study of face-to-face interaction taking place in social welfare offices in Norway, questions linked to different contextual aspects within these contexts are targeted in this ... -
Perceptions of peers as socialization agents and adjustment in upper secondary school
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The purpose of present study was to explore the perceptions of peers as socialization agents in school adjustment among upper secondary school students. The associations were studied in a sample of 564 Norwegian students. ... -
Preventing and confronting school bullying : a comparative study of two national programmes in Norway.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-06)Efforts to prevent and curb school bullying have resulted in a proliferation of anti-school-bullying programmes, many based on intuitive appeal rather than systematic evidence. This article presents a comparative analysis ... -
The bureaucracy's voices in Norwegen client interviews
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-09)This article concerns a sociological study of face-to-face interaction taking place in social welfare offices in Norway. Qualitative data from interpreted dialogues between Norwegian social workers and their clients from ... -
Upper secondary school students’ perceptions of teacher socialization practices and reports of school adjustment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Lack of adjustment or school failure is of concern to educators, child welfare workers, educational, and school psychologists as well as parents, but there are few studies on this aspect of education, especially among late ... -
Book Review: The Future of Futures. The Time of Money in Financing and Society
(Journal article, 2012)Elena Esposito is an Italian sociologist working mainly from the perspective of Luhmannian systems theory, particularly with themes related to the temporal dynamics of modern society and notably the problem of linking ... -
Ytringsfridom og hat
(Journal article, 2012-02)I motsetnad til det Sindre Bangstad og Arne Johan Vetlesen hevdar i Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (4/2011), lir vår reguleing av ytringsfridomen av eit liberalt underskot.1 Ytringsfrihetskommisjonens førearbeid viser at ... -
Modernitet, sannhet og sannsynlighet: samfunnets temporalisering av kunnskap
(Journal article, 2012-09)Det moderne samfunnet bygger i stor grad på sannsynlighet - beskrivelser av sannsynlig realitet, men hva beskrives en slik kunnskap på, hva er dens referanser og hva betyr det for samfunnet? Slike beskrivelser viser til ... -
Multikulturalisme og skuldtyranni
(Journal article, 2012-11)«The whole world hates us, and we deserve it: that is what most Europeans think, at least in Western Europe», hevdar den franske nyfilosofen Pascal Bruckner ([2006] 2010: 6). Skuldkjensla vert ein indre tyrann i ... -
Ulike modeller for gjenopprettende ordninger etter krenkelser, overgrep og omsorgssvikt under barnevernets omsorg
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-12)Media, myndigheter og forskere i mange land har dokumentert grov omsorgssvikt og fysiske, psykiske og seksuelle overgrep av barn under omsorg av barnevernet. Som en konsekvens av dette diskuteres og utprøves ulike ... -
Emotional labour and solving social work problems
(Journal article, 2013-01)Keywords supplied to the papers in this issue of Journal of Comparative Social Work are argumentation, critical reflection, professional boundary, democratic professionalism, etc. For me, all of these words connote ... -
Problems Facing Disabled People in Malawi: A Critical Reflection on My Encounter with a Disabled Woman in a Rural Area in Malawi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This critical reflection is based on my encounter with a disabled woman in a district in Malawi, and how I have reflected and analyzed the encounter using social work theories. The essay reflects on the story of the disabled ... -
Revealing Children’s Experiences and Emotions through Q Methodology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-06)Over the last two decades, there has been a greater readiness to view children as competent contributors to our understanding of children’s lives and experiences. As a consequence of this, we have witnessed an increased ... -
Social work and families in child welfare in Malawi: social workers considerations when placing a child outside the home
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article discusses professional discretion in relation to placing a child outside the family, as understood by Malawian social workers. The article is a product of an exploratory study covering different aspects of ...