Browsing Studentoppgaver (SV-IMS) by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 1444
A 'green-on-green' paradox - Discursive struggles of what role windpower ought to have in the Norwegian electricity system
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)In 2010, Norway had a goal to attain 3 TWh of windpower that was not reached. Recent years, the Norwegian windpower generation has increased dramatically, with yet projects to be built. Whereas almost 4 TWh was produced ... -
A case study of a sustainable transport on Posten/Bring terminal as a part of Digerneset business park.
(Master thesis, 2021)The transition to decarbonized and sustainable transport in Norway is connected to electrification. In this context, renewable sources of energy can provide the clean energy needed for this process. This thesis explores ... -
A Case Study On Changing Hydropower Norms and Hydropower in New Zealand: The Kaimai Hydropower Scheme
(Master thesis, 2023)The Kaimai Hydroelectric Power Scheme is an invaluable piece of New Zealand’s renewable energy infrastructure and key part of their plan to be carbon neutral by 2050. This is in spite of the reckless way it was built in ... -
A comparative analysis of Waldorf and public sustainability approaches in Norwegian kindergartens
(Master thesis, 2021)Sustainability, kindergarten, Waldorf and public approaches -
A Critical History of Geothermal Energy Systems
(Master thesis, 2022) -
A look at Norway's Energy Future: Can jobs be retained during the green transition?
(Master thesis, 2021)Norway along with the rest of the world is moving towards more low-carbon and renewable energy technologies. A large part of Norway's economy and job market relies on the oil and gas industry. This thesis investigates where ... -
A qualitative study of corporate environmental reporting through the reporting software, Synergi Life
(Master thesis, 2022)The term sustainability is infiltrating every corner of the society these days, and the corporate world is no exception. The focus among stakeholders and the society at large is on corporations’ responsibility towards ... -
A Socio-technical Perspective On Carbon Capture, Utilization, And Storage Technologies In China—Through The MLP And SNM Approaches
(Master thesis, 2024)In 2020, China committed to peaking its carbon dioxide emissions before or by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has been recognized as a crucial strategy for ... -
A study of sustainabiliy-oriented innovative solutions for carbon emissions in Aker Solutions value chain
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)The rapid and forecasted warming of the global average temperature to 1.5 ºC poses a challenge for the ability of the current and future generations to meet their own needs. This is largely due to industrialization that ... -
A study of the cooperation processes between actors in the mobility sector in Nord-Jæren
(Master thesis, 2022)There is an urgent need to limit the rise of the global temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius, and preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, in line with the overarching goal of the Paris Agreement. One of the sectors with the ... -
A-standard handlingsmønster: hva fremmer og hemmer sikkerhet?
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)Masteroppgaven er utført som del av samfunnssikkerhetsstudiet ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Studien er gjennomført i samarbeid med Statoil og installasjonen Brage. Førsteamanuensis Bjørn Ivar Kruke ved Universitetet i ... -
Accelerating the Green Transition Through Energy Security
(Master thesis, 2023)Climate change is an ever-looming threat, and as the war in Ukraine rages on, climate change is not necessarily on the top of everyone’s mind. However, is there a way to combine these things? Can war increase the use of ... -
Accelerating the Transition to Emission-Free Construction Machines Through Public Procurement
(Master thesis, 2021)Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is of an ever-increasing importance. This requires an energy transition from fossil fuels to emission-free alternatives in a wide range of industries and vehicles. One of these is construction ... -
Accelerating the transition towards zero-emission long and heavy duty transport through identifying the highest potential locations for hydrogen filling stations
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis provides an overview over what traffic distances proved the largest potential for hydrogen filling station location. It also gives insights to the level of CO2 emissions the traffic volume at given points equate ... -
Achieving carbon neutrality in Germany by 2050 - Leveraging an explorative system dynamics modelling approach to determine suitable policy options for the German energy transition in the sectors housing and personal transportation
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-08-31)Following the question whether the German energy transition in housing and personal transportation has a chance. An explorative system dynamics modelling approach is chosen to evaluate policy levers over a range of uncertainty ... -
Adaptive personlighetstester i seleksjonsprosesser og potensielle effekter på testresultatenes troverdighet
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013)Denne undersøkelsen har sitt utgangspunkt i en interesse for bruk av personlighetstester i seleksjonsprosesser. Prosjektet søker å beskrive kandidatenes opplevelse av en adaptiv personlighetstest. Undersøkelsen er rettet ... -
Agriculture and Norwegian emission mitigation - Discursive understanding of farmers role in climate policies and technology development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
(Master thesis, 2021)Climate change will continue to be a major issue to achieve sustainability in agriculture, which makes adaptations of resilient climate policies and technology to be necessary in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Discourse ... -
Alkoholbruk i et HMS perspektiv : forsvarets internasjonale operasjoner
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2008, Master thesis, 2008)Bruk av rusmidler er et stort samfunnsproblem. Det blir mer og mer utbredt i arbeidslivet, og kan være en betydelig risikofaktor. Alkohol er et lovlig rusmiddel, og har stor aksept i samfunnet generelt. Overdreven bruk ... -
"Alle mot 1"; et interaktivt suksessformat
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven handler om hva som gjør TV-konseptet "Alle mot 1" til et vellykket konsept. -
AMK-operatørens opplevelse ved telefon-assistert HLR
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-15)Hjertestans kan ramme samtlige hvor og når som helst. I NOU 2015:17 Først og Fremst er det stort fokus på det prehospitale og livreddende arbeid utenfor sykehuset. Hvor godt lekpersoner klarer å samarbeide med AMK-operatører ...