Blar i Studentoppgaver (SV-NHS) på tittel
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Talent management in frames of HR practices in hospitality and tourism under digital economy condition.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Today, the hospitality and tourism industry is at the center of digital innovation and continues to transform rapidly around the world. Hotels are interested in offering digital services to potential customers as quickly ... -
Tanker rundt spørsmålet - Hva er god ledelse?
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Thai restaurant oppfatninger av servicekvalitet: bevis fra Tripadvisor
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Nettsteder for forbrukeranmeldelser som TripAdvisor tillater publisering av brukergenerert innhold (BGI/UGC) som gir restaurantkunder muligheten til å dele sine erfaringer og registrere deres tilfredshet og misnøye i en ... -
Thailand as new destination for Norwegian travelers
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)Selling a destination has become a challenging task in today’s modern high-technological environment. Travelers can obtain a huge variety of choices about any destination from online networks. This study utilized Thailand ... -
The Demand Side of Dark Tourism – Characteristics of Dark Tourists
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)Dark tourism, or thanatourism, is a type of tourism concerning using ‘death space’ for tourism purposes. The general goal of dark tourism research is to identify, describe and analyze tourism journeys to death space. There ... -
The democratisation of meal delivery service in France
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-15)The purpose of this study was to explore the meal delivery service in French market and the customer’s opinion in the future meal delivery business. In addition, I first did the research basically on the evolution of ... -
The effect of service employees’ perception of role clarity and psychological empowerment on organizational commitment, job satisfaction and staying intention
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)Background and purpose – This study examines the service-employees perception of role clarity and psychological empowerment in three different industries. Furthermore the study explores how these perceptions influence the ... -
The effects of Virtual Reality (VR) on customer experience in theme parks: An Integrative Review
(Master thesis, 2024)This is a systematic review of existing literature to explore the effects of virtual reality on customer experience in theme parks. An integrative systematic review was conducted to gather data and analyze how virtual ... -
The Fjords of the Future: Balancing Norway’s Cruise Tourism Strategy with Environmental Concerns.
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)This bachelor’s thesis investigates whether cruise tourism can be environmentally sustainable and how Norway can develop its cruise tourism sector within its national tourism strategy to enhance sustainable practices and ... -
The gastronomy city of Bergen, Norway in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)These findings suggest that managers and other stakeholders, such as government need to consider strategies that work in general and specific to different conditions or nature of the business in question. There is a need ... -
The Hallyu influences on travel motivation to Korea of Vietnamese Millennials and Generation Z: A case study on Korean dramas and movies
(Master thesis, 2022)Growth of affordable tourism and expansion of Korean pop-culture, also known as Korean wave or Hallyu, are seen as factors that especially impact consumer habits of Millennials and Generation Z. This dissertation analyses ... -
The impact and perspectives of a capacitating culinary awareness program, in the knowledge development of culinary identity, nutrition, hygiene, meal planning and culinary techniques applications in the community “El Progreso” situated in Pedro Vicente Maldonado Province of Pichincha Ecuador
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)The purpose of this development project is to settle a Culinary Capacitating program along the community “El Progreso”, located in Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Province of Pichincha, Ecuador, in order to analyze the impact and ... -
The impact of hotel interiors on customer’s loyalty intentions
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the role of hotel interiors which are perceived by five atmospheric elements of color, lighting, layout, style, and furnishings on customer’s loyalty intentions ... -
The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
(Master thesis, 2022)Satisfying customers needs with good quality services have become the key ingredient in organizational strategy in today's business world. To achieve maximum advantage, an organization must provide high-quality services ... -
The Importance of a Hotel Middle Manager’s Intrinsic Motivation to Ensure Their Well-Being in the Workplace During a Global Pandemic’
(Master thesis, 2022)The aim of this thesis was to examine intrinsic motivation and its impact on well-being during a pandemic such as Covid-19, in order to supplement leadership theory that focuses on the consequences of the global pandemic; ... -
“The Importance of a Hotel Middle Manager’s Intrinsic Motivation to Ensure Their Well-Being in the Workplace During a Global Pandemic’’
(Master thesis, 2022)The aim of this thesis was to examine intrinsic motivation and its impact on well- being during a pandemic such as Covid-19, in order to supplement leadership theory that focuses on the consequences of the global pandemic; ... -
The multi-legged team: a study of the unique elements of sled dog racing
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012-06)Every year, more than 100 mushers use a great extent of their leisure time to prepare themselves, their handlers, and their dogs for the biggest event in Europe within dogsledding; Finnmarksløpet. Finnmarksløpet is the ... -
The perceived challenges of incoming tour operators with the post political crises effects in Madagascar
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06-15)The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the effects of political instability on the tourism industry in Madagascar. It particularly investigates the effects of the political incidents of 2002 ... -
The pursuit of achieving the optimal flow experience. A case study on backcountry skiers participating in avalanche courses at Haukeliseter Mountain Lodge
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)Backcountry skiing and ski touring are outdoor leisure activities that have grown in popularity in recent years. It has been argued that these types of activities require high levels of both, mental and physical involvement. ... -
The relation between personality traits and psychographic positions of travel destinations
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2017, Master thesis, 2017-06)Understanding potential visitors is one of the fundamental tasks for researchers and businesses, destination marketing organizations as well as many other stakeholders in tourism domain. Despite the fact that Internet has ...