Blar i Studentoppgaver (SV-NHS) på tittel
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“100 percent fun”: A case study of benefits from cold water surfing in Jæren, Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-07-14)Norway is steadily progressing towards being a popular cold-water surf destination. The long Norwegian coastline is attracting an increasing number of surfers who surf year round in extreme weather conditions. The aim of ... -
8 faser for å lykkes med rekrutteringsprosessen
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)I denne bacheloroppgaven har vi tatt for oss teori rundt rekrutteringsprosessen. Dette har skapt grunnlag for vår egen rekrutteringsmodell. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er basert på vår egen interesse og nysgjerrighet rundt ... -
A case study of the bonfires of Saint John celebration
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013-06-17)It was Jose Maria Py who officially constituted the Bonfires of Saint John celebration many years back in 1928. Jose Maria Py made the initial efforts to organize a citywide party, thinking about the positive implications ... -
A content analysis of Norwegian cookbooks from 1920 to 2012
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013-07-17)Cookbooks not only are instructional manuals for culinary arts but also representatives of the food culture of the society that has produced them. Apart from their gastronomic value, they reflect food habits, record ... -
A cry for justice in orphanage tourism
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Orphanage tourism remains a field lacking research. Several steps towards a more ethical practice have been made, including but not limited to, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Convention on ... -
A qualitative study exploring how social norms and empowerment influence female leaders related to represent organizations externally
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)Qualitative methods; seven in depth interviews among leaders in an chosen organization and two focus groups were chosen for this research to get as profoundly insight as possible when it comes to their perceptions of female ... -
A qualitative study of how young leaders in the service industry work to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and how they handle reported incidents.
(Master thesis, 2023)Leaders play a crucial role in preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Their commitment and efforts are essential in creating a safe and healthy work environment. Young leadership can result in challenges based on ... -
A Spice Story; Indian & Pakistani food in Norway (Customer perceptions and attitudes towards Indian/Pakistani Food)
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)Food is an integral part of any culture and changes occurring in food culture can indicate changes in the cultural environment of the society. The main purpose of the study was to understand behavior and perception of the ... -
A study of academic motivation during COVID-19 in tourism and hospitality education: professor/student perception correlations of the MUSIC® Model components
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations in perception of academic motivation between professors and students in a teaching setting affected by COVID-19. The components used to measure motivation are taken ... -
A study of factors consumers experience as important when evaluating and responding towards CSR initiatives
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012-06)This research paper has investigated what parameters consumers experience as important when evaluating the CSR initiatives that organizations have, as well as how engaged they are in socially responsible organizations. The ... -
A study of hotel website design performance and usability
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06)Research has shown the importance of the Internet technology in travel planning and decision making processes. For many hotels, therefore, the corporate website has emerged as the main tool for inter-organizational and ... -
-A study that examines Safety Culture, Risk Management and Safety Management in Hospitality Industry
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-07-15)This thesis research focus on hospitality industry. The aim of this research study is to examine safety culture, safety management and risk management. Apparently, all these variables have connection with each other which ... -
Activating youth in voluntary work: Effects, expectations and possibilities for using sports in reducing social problems
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-06-13)As the capital Oslo grows and develops there also brings social problems for the city. On this study the analysis will consist of finding effects, expectations and possibilities by using a non-profit organization that uses ... -
Airbnb-fenomenet som en ekstern faktor i forhold til endringer i lovbestemmelser for tjenestesektoren
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Jeg er fascinert av Airbnb da det skiller seg ut fra andre overnattingsformer. Oppgaven baserer seg på flere fagområder som blant annet forbruker adferd, delingsøkonomi og skatteloven. Dette er noen av fagområdene som har ... -
AIRBNB: A competition for traditional hotels in Copenhage, Denmark
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-17)Тhе Ѕhаrіng есonomу hаѕ oреned doorѕ to mаnу buѕіnеѕѕ concepts withіn thе hoѕріtаlіtу industry but аt thе ѕаmе tіmе distressed long-ѕtаndіng іnduѕtrіеѕ. Аіrbnb іѕ one of the companies that form of thе ѕhаrіng есonomу which ... -
Alkoholloven og sosiale medier: En undersøkelse av Stavangers utelivsbransje, og deres oppfatning av praktiseringen av loven og mulige gråsoner rundt alkoholreklame
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Markedsføring er essensielt for at en bedrift skal lykkes. Sosiale medier er et stort nettverk som de aller fleste bedrifter i dag benytter til å reklame for produktene og tjenestene sine. Alkoholloven gjør det tilnærmet ... -
An exploratory study of work-family conflicts and enrichment of front-line hotel employees in the Philippines
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)The study aims to explore and identify the front-line hotel employees’ issues and perceptions of work-life balance in the Philippine context. The respondents were front-line hotel personnel assigned to various departments ... -
An investigation into rhetorical strategies and how it is employed and/or communicated in Kviknes hotels blog, by using google analytics to identify visitor’s behaviors towards the blog posts.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)Many businesses nowadays have considered the internet as a source of communicating or reaching out to their customers and potential customers, creating an easy access for communication. Communication is one of the most ... -
An investigation of consumer behavior on websites for members of historic hotels in Norway, located in rural areas: website factors that could affect web-revenue
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013-06-17)Internet has become a significant part of hotels’ strategies. The rapid development of the availability and possibilities on the Internet has created a new and important sales channel for hotels. Internet has become one ...