• Oljeprisens påvirkning på boligprisene i Stavanger 

      Azinovic, Matea; Levik, Marie; Rege, Fredrik Andersen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Gjennom denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt om det finnes en sammenheng mellom oljeprisen og boligprisen i Stavanger, som et ledd i dette har vi sett på klyngeeffekt og den indirekte påvirkning på sysselsatte i petroleumsnæringen. ...
    • Oljeprisfluktasjoner og lønn 

      Ericksen, Kari Irene Helgeland; Galaasen, Julie Helen; Johansen, Iselin Berg (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Siden oljen først ble oppdaget i Ekofisk, har Norge vært sterkt bundet til petroleumsnæringen. Oljeindustrien er den ledende sektoren i Norge, hvor hovedaktivitetene er lokalisert i Stavanger. Lønningene i den såkalte ...
    • Omgjøring av lovlig vedtatt utbytte med skattereversering for aksjonærer 

      Falldalen, Sigrid (Master thesis, 2023)
      Et lovlig vedtak om utdeling av utbytte kan som utgangspunkt ikke omgjøres med reversering av aksjonærers skatteplikt. Etter selskapsrettslige regler kan en lovlig vedtatt utbytteutdeling gjøres om. Derimot vil en omgjøring ...
    • Omnikanal markedsførings påvirkning på kundetilfredshet og kundelojalitet i B2B. 

      Gjerde, Mats.; Yogarajah, Thinusan. (Master thesis, 2021)
      I løpet av denne masteroppgaven har vi forsket på hvordan omni kanal markedsføring påvirker kundetilfredshet og kundelojalitet i en B2B. Bedriften vi valgte å basere oppgaven på er Kverneland Group. Siden det var gjort ...
    • Omnikanal markedsførings påvirkning på kundetilfredshet og kundelojalitet i B2B. 

      Gjerde, Mats; Yogarajah, Thinusan (Master thesis, 2021)
      Sammendrag I løpet av denne masteroppgaven har vi forsket på hvordan omni kanal markedsføring påvirker kundetilfredshet og kundelojalitet i en B2B. Bedriften vi valgte å basere oppgaven på er Kverneland Group. Siden det ...
    • Omstilling i Apply Capnor 

      Dirdal, Lene (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Petroleumsvirksomheten er Norges største næring og har på mange måter formet det samfunnet og næringslivet vi har i Norge i dag. Oljekrisen i 2014-2015 tvang fram en omstilling i næringen. Apply Capnor er et lokalt ...
    • On Scope Sensitivity and its Determinants in Environmental Valuation 

      Chuenjai, Jariya; Haugvaldstad, Håvard (Master thesis, 2021)
      This thesis investigates the determinants of sensitivity to the scope of damages caused by oil spills on an individual level. We examine the results of two contingent valuation (CV) surveys conducted in 2020 on Norwegians’ ...
    • On Scope Sensitivity and its Determinants in Environmental Valuation 

      Haugvaldstad, Håvard; Chuenjay, Jariya (Master thesis, 2021)
      This thesis investigates the determinants of sensitivity to the scope of damages caused by oil spills on an individual level. We examine the results of two contingent valuation (CV) surveys conducted in 2020 on Norwegians’ ...
    • Open Innovation and Knowledge Sharing - Towards a sustainable offshore aquaculture 

      Nonås, Synne Vallestad; Bratseth, Kristine Opøyen (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis explores knowledge sharing, open innovation, and skilled relatedness between two industries, the emerging offshore aquaculture industry, and the oil and gas industry. This research placed a significant emphasis ...
    • Open Innovation and Knowledge Sharing - Towards a sustainable offshore aquaculture 

      Nonås, Synne Vallestad; Bratseth, Kristine Opøyen (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis explores knowledge sharing, open innovation, and skilled relatedness between two industries, the emerging offshore aquaculture industry, and the oil and gas industry. This research placed a significant emphasis ...
    • Optimizing Logistic and Warehousing - Maersk Drilling Norge AS 

      Ruales, Leah; Silitonga, Debora Amanda (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-24)
      In the business world of today, many companies are trying to innovate their firm. Innovation, as the talk of the enterprises nowadays is not only about the product technology, it also for the process innovation, and of ...
    • Ordinary people’s preferences for space tourism: A discrete choice experiment in Norway 

      Le, Thi Yen Nhi; Skjemstad, Sindre Loktu (Master thesis, 2022)
      Recent years of the 21st century have seen the emergence of space tourism activities. This study analyzes data from a discrete choice experiment (DCE) on preferences for traveling into space conducted in Norway. In the ...
    • Ordinary people’s preferences for space tourism: A discrete choice experiment in Norway 

      Skjemstad, Sindre Loktu; Le, Thi Yen Nhi (Master thesis, 2022)
      Recent years of the 21st century have seen the emergence of space tourism activities. This study analyzes data from a discrete choice experiment (DCE) on preferences for traveling into space conducted in Norway. In the ...
    • Organisasjonskultur, etikk og tillit i Dalane Energi 

      Ågesen, Rosita (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05-15)
      Dalane Energi er et offentlig eid selskap, noe som fører til at lokalbefolkningen er opptatt av hvordan selskapet arbeider og bruker pengene sine. Interessentene har klare forventninger til at selskapet støtter lokalt ...
    • Organizing a cluster to foster innovation 

      Stangeland, Ellen; Austvik, Solveig (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-14)
      In this case study, we examine how the Dusavik base in Stavanger can be organized into a cluster to foster innovation. Literature on the subject does not present one single explicit cluster model that could be applied. ...
    • Overcoming the Grey Digial Divide in the Banking Sector 

      Simonsen, Kristine; Salte, Lene Katrin (Master thesis, 2023)
      The thesis highlights the high degree of non-digital seniors in Norway and the different customer touchpoints they might be excluded from because the provider only distributes digital solutions. The research shows the ...
    • Overcoming the Grey Digital Divide in the Banking Sector 

      Salte, Lene Katrin; Simonsen, Kristine (Master thesis, 2023)
      The thesis highlights the high degree of non-digital seniors in Norway and the different customer touchpoints they might be excluded from because the provider only distributes digital solutions. The research shows the ...
    • Overview of the Electricity Price Mechanism in the Norwegian Market 

      Starheim, Mathias; Krokedal, Hans Gunnar (Master thesis, 2022)
      The Norwegian electricity price is a highly debated theme these days. There are many opinions when it comes to why electricity price decrease or increase. This thesis aims to investigate and provide an overview of which ...
    • Overview of the Electricity Price Mechanism in the Norwegian Market 

      Starheim, Mathias; Krokedal, Hans Gunnar (Master thesis, 2022)
      The Norwegian electricity price is a highly debated theme these days. There are many opinions when it comes to why electricity price decrease or increase. This thesis aims to investigate and provide an overview of which ...
    • Parent Intervention to Encourage Growth Mindset Development in Children 

      Sagen, Espen (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      Growth mindset refers to the belief that skills and abilities can be improved through effort and the use of appropriate learning strategies. Students that have developed a growth mindset, are predicted to perform better ...